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词汇 neared
例句 As she neared the door, she heard voices within and hesitated.她靠近门口时听到里面有说话的声音,于是就犹豫了一下。As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice.临近中场休息时,哈迪曼差点梅开二度。They neared the harbour.他们向港口驶近。The captain switched on the seat belt sign as we neared the airport.当我们靠近机场时机长打开了安全带信号灯。Our team was in a commanding position as the game neared its end.比赛即将结束时,我们队已遥遥领先。The going got better as we neared the town.当我们快到镇上的时候,路好走些了。As the bow neared shore, the canoe suddenly touched bottom.船头靠近岸边的时候,独木舟突然搁浅了。I woke up as the train neared the station.当火车驶近车站时我醒了。As she neared the finish line she willed her legs to keep running.快到终点时,她尽力坚持继续奔跑。He got more and more nervous as the day of his departure neared.随着自己出发的日子一天天临近,他变得越来越紧张。The putt broke to the left as it neared the hole.轻击一杆,球向洞口滚去时偏向了左侧。As he neared the house his steps faltered.当他走近房子时,脚步迟疑了起来。The airplane began to descend as it neared the island.飞机接近这座岛时开始降落。As she neared the door, Amy felt a growing sense of unease.埃米走向门口时感到越来越不安。As he neared her tent he heard the sound of crying.他走近她的帐篷时听到了哭泣声。The land flattened out as we neared the coast.我们接近海岸时,地势平坦了。We cheered as he neared the finish line.当他接近终点线时,我们喝起采来。As he neared the farm, he saw that a police car was parked outside it.他走近农场时,看到一辆警车停在外面。The time neared for him to start.他动身的时候快到了。As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck.接近马厩时,他勒马缓行,轻拍它的脖颈。The crisis in that troubled country neared a flashpoint last week.那个动乱的国家上周濒临冲突爆发的边缘。He decelerated as he neared the exit on the highway.接近公路出口时,他放慢了速度。My steps slowed down as I neared my destination.接近目的地的时候我放慢了脚步。As she neared the finish line, she inched ahead of the other racers.当接近终点时,她略微领先于其他选手。As the wedding day neared, I started to have second thoughts about getting married.随着婚期日益临近,我开始对结婚犹豫起来。The boat sank as she neared the coast of Ireland.船在驶近爱尔兰海岸的时候沉没了。As the date of the performance neared, we grew more and more anxious.随着演出日的临近,我们越发焦虑起来。As he neared the park he could hear the tinny music from Joey's radio.他走近公园的时候,听到了乔伊的收音机里传出沙沙的音乐声。She began to feel nervous as she neared the house.她走近那所房子时开始觉得紧张。As she neared her home she could see a light in the window.她接近家门时,看到窗户里有灯光。Months of negotiations between the two parties neared an end on Wednesday.双方连续数月的谈判在星期三接近尾声。As election day neared, reports of new scandals began to appear in the press.随着选举日期的临近,有关新的丑闻的报道开始见诸报端。He continued rapidly up the path, not pausing until he neared the Chapter House.他匆匆地继续沿着这条路走,一直快到牧师会礼堂时才停下来。




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