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词汇 nearly
例句 The property must have been nearly a thousand acres all told.地产共计近千英亩。They very nearly succeeded in blowing up the building.他们差一点儿炸毁了那座大楼。Wait a bit, I've nearly finished.稍等一下,我差不多做完了。The species was nearly extinct but is now making/staging a comeback.这一物种曾濒临绝迹,但现在情况正逐渐好转。I nearly drove through a red light.我差点闯了红灯。Mary nearly died during the operation, and she is not out of the woods yet.玛丽在动手术时差点儿死去,她现在还未脱离危险。I nearly forgot to invite Josie.我差点忘了邀请乔西。It was nearly an hour before Sweeney appeared in the pub.过了近一小时斯威尼才出现在小酒馆里。The beauty of the sight nearly took my breath away.景色之美几乎使我目瞪口呆。It would be a pity to give up now – you've nearly finished.现在放弃太可惜了,你差不多就要完成了。I caught the teacher's glance and nearly burst into nervous laughter.我看到老师的眼神,差点神经质地大笑起来。She nearly lost her life in a car accident.她险些在车祸中丧生。It was the worst storm in nearly a century.这是近一百年来最大的一场暴风雨。She nearly died of pneumonia.她差一点死于肺炎。I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.看到那么多血我差点昏过去。I nearly cancelled the wedding, but my best friend talked me out of it.我几乎就要取消婚礼了,但是我最要好的朋友说服我不要那么做。The matter concerns him nearly.这事和他有切身关系。The ship has nearly finished rigging and will sail tomorrow.这条船装备行将就绪,将在明天开航。The whole computer installation was nearly new.整套计算机设备几乎是全新的。Alex didn't read fluently till he was nearly seven.亚历克斯直到将近七岁时才能流利地阅读。Wait a minute, I'm nearly ready.等一会儿,我快准备好了。Persuading Paul to change his mind is nearly impossible.要说服保罗改变主意几乎是不可能的。The roads were nearly empty of traffic.马路上几乎没有车。In some places, the dense underbrush becomes so thick that it's nearly impassable.有些地方灌木丛长得很密实,几乎无法穿行。The wind was so strong that when we did finally venture on a walk, we were nearly swept away.风太大了,当我们最后终于硬着头皮走出去的时候,人都快被吹走了。The apples are nearly ripe.苹果快要成熟了。She nearly always dresses in blue.她几乎总是穿蓝色的衣服。There's not nearly enough food for all these people!食物远不够这么多人吃!The glass nearly tipped over.玻璃杯差点倒了。The war lasted nearly a decade.战争持续了将近十年。Watch it! You nearly knocked my head off with that ladder.当心!你那把梯子差点砸掉我的头。The cold nearly finished me off.这场感冒差点要了我的命。The weather very nearly forced us to turn back.天气问题差点儿迫使我们返回。I didn't hear her come in, so I nearly jumped out of my skin when she spoke to me.我没有听到她进来的声音,所以当她和我说话的时候,我吓了一大跳。He stepped on the power line and was nearly electrocuted.他踩到了输电线,差点被电死。She received such a jolt that she nearly dropped her cup.她大为震惊,差点儿失手掉了杯子。Your planning is nearly perfect except for one caveat: what you are suggesting is against the law.你的计划堪称完美,但是有一点我得提出预警:你所建议的事是违法的。Sam nearly bought it in that car accident.萨姆险些在那次车祸中丧生。She said we were nearly there, but the island was still no more than a distant smudge on the horizon.她说我们快到了,但那个岛依然只是地平线上遥远的一个小黑点。The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.云层扩散开来,几乎盖满了整个天空。




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