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词汇 Nearly
例句 Nearly a third of the population died in the Great Plague.近三分之一的人口在伦敦大瘟疫中丧生。Nearly half the population is overweight.几乎有一半人口超重。The competition was a great success. Nearly two hundred people took part.这次比赛很成功,差不多有二百人参加。Nearly half of all local councils face being capped.所有地方议会有将近一半的开销将受到限制。Nearly half the students come from abroad.将近一半的学生来自国外。Nearly all of our research had to be conducted on a shoestring.我们几乎所有的研究都是靠极少的经费进行的。Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success.几乎所有受访的年轻人都认为工作是获得成功的关键。Nearly half the missiles landed wide.有近一半的导弹落点出现偏差。Nearly all sororities and fraternities have some kind of induction rituals.几乎所有的妇女联谊会和兄弟会都有某种入会仪式。He was arguing with his girlfriend and she hit him with a frying pan! Nearly knocked him out.他和女友争吵时女友竟拿煎锅砸他!几乎把他砸晕了过去。Nearly everybody in the group agreed that in this job market the usual avenues, like searching the want ads, are useless.小组中几乎所有人都认为,在这个就业市场,搜寻招聘广告这类老路是走不通的。Nearly all the houses were identical.几乎所有的房子都一模一样。Nearly a half of all the industrial workers of China huddled in Shanghai.中国的产业工人几乎有一半曾经集中在上海。Nearly a fifth of the shipping had been sunk.将近五分之一的船只被击沉了。Nearly half the Congress is made up of lawyers.将近一半的国会议员是律师。Nearly all the houses had broken windows.几乎所有的房子都有破窗户。Nearly a third of adults in the UK have false teeth.在英国将近有三分之一的成年人都装了假牙。Nearly every day some new outrageous incident would take place.几乎每天都有一些骇人听闻的事件发生。Nearly all the women I interviewed were aggressively antagonistic to the idea.几乎我采访过的所有女性都对这个观点表示了强烈的反感。Nearly all news organizations have refused to broadcast the victim's name during the trial.庭审期间,几乎所有的新闻机构都拒绝报道受害人的姓名。Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable.现在在英国,几乎所有长途电话都通过光纤而非电缆传输。Nearly everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.差不多可能出乱子的地方都出了乱子。Nearly a ton of fish were boated over five days.五天里捕获了近一吨鱼。Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.近百家律师事务所被送上律师纪律法庭。Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight.近三分之一的儿童体重严重不足。Nearly a year later, it was agreed that Tom would be statemented.近一年后,汤姆被批准将获得特殊教育。Nearly all of my clothes are too small now.我几乎所有的衣服现在都太小了。Nearly half the faculty turned out to show their support.几乎有一半的教员最后表示支持。Nearly as many again died from pneumonia.几乎又有那么多人死于肺炎。Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable.该国有近十分之一的家庭通过电缆接收电视信号。Nearly two million people have trouble paying their fuel bills.近两百万人口无力支付他们的燃料费用。Nearly three quarters of the children were ill.将近四分之三的儿童都病了。Nearly everyone was on a first-name basis.几乎人人都用名字相互称呼以示亲切。Nearly half the students said they were in debt.近一半的学生说自己负有债务。Nearly all her subordinates adored her.几乎所有的下属都崇拜她。Nearly every major-league company has a plane.几乎每家大公司都拥有一架飞机。Nearly all our competitors offered free Internet services.我们的竞争者差不多都提供了免费的因特网服务。Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view.几乎在所有的座位上都可以看到完整清晰的画面。




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