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例句 The plan seeks to balance two important objectives.这个计划试图平衡两大重要目标。The course seeks to demystify the loan application process for people buying a home for the first time.这一举措是为了简化首次购房者申请贷款的手续。The bill seeks to make it a criminal offence to inflict cruelty on any animal.该法案建议将虐待动物定为刑事犯罪。The bill seeks to remedy a historic injustice in which blacks were deprived of their right to own land.这项法案试图纠正黑人被剥夺了土地所有权这一历史性的不公正现象。The proposal seeks to change the way the airline industry is regulated.这项提案力图改变航空业的管理方式。The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.这个顾问力求使失业的专业人员找到需要专门技术的小公司。We compared the human mind to a computer which actively seeks information to process, encodes it and stores it for future use.我们将人脑比作一台计算机,它主动寻找需要处理的信息,对其进行加密,并存储起来以便将来使用。Another writer who seeks to give expression to popular oral culture is Jose Maria Arguedos.另一位寻求展现大众口头文化的作家是乔斯·玛丽亚·阿古多斯。The play tells the story of a wealthy woman who seeks revenge on her heartless seducer.该剧讲的是一个富有的女人试图报复一个引诱了她却又对她无情的人。She seeks perfection in her work.在工作上她力求完美。The movie is about a woman who seeks out an old enemy to settle a score.电影讲的是一位女子找到宿敌报仇雪恨的故事。Modernism seeks to find new forms of expression and rejects traditional or accepted ideas.现代思想试图寻求新的表达方式,摈弃传统或公认的观念。One in seven women seeks medical help to aid conception.七分之一的女性寻求医疗手段帮助怀孕。Here's another piece of furnishing that seeks inspiration from nature.这里有一件家具,它的设计灵感就来自于自然界。It is a book which seeks to explain the birth of Greek tragedy.这是一本试图解释希腊悲剧起源的书。The appraisal system seeks to assess employees' strengths and weaknesses.该评价系统旨在评估雇员的优点和不足。The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.报告试图把犯罪率上升和失业增加联系起来。The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma.这份报纸力求不受政治信条影响。His lawsuit seeks damages for pain and suffering.他上诉要求赔偿身心所遭受的痛苦。The government study seeks to define urban poverty.政府的这项研究旨在界定城市贫困。The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.这个顾问试图在失业的专业人员和需要专门技术人员的小公司之间牵线搭桥。Critical thinking is essentially negative as it seeks to dissect and not to build.批判性的思考从本质上讲是否定式的,因为其寻求的是剖析,而非建构。Fashion retailer seeks Sales Assistant - would suit enthusiastic school-leaver.招聘时装店营业员一适合充满热诚的学校毕业生。Dennis always seeks perfection in his girlfriends.丹尼斯总是要求他的女朋友十全十美。Their proposal seeks to remedy the shortcomings of the current system.他们的建议旨在弥补当下体制存在的缺陷。The project seeks to improve education for students.这个项目致力于改善学生的教育。




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