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词汇 监狱看守
例句 He was pistol-whipped to the ground by a prison guard.他被监狱看守用手枪连续射击击倒在地。He never let his jailers break him.他决不会让监狱看守们摧毁他的意志。The screws occasionally noticed if an inmate didn't make his bed.如果犯人没有叠好被子,监狱看守有时就会注意到。The prison's warden was a cruel martinet.那个监狱看守是一个对犯人严厉冷酷的人。Mr Ying is well-known for his portrayal of a prison guard in the film 'The Last Emperor'.英先生因其在电影《末代皇帝》中塑造的监狱看守形象而闻名。He claims that he was maltreated by the prison guards.他声称自己受到了监狱看守的虐待。The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell.囚犯们制服了监狱看守,并将他们锁进了牢房。The guards were accused of tormenting the prisoners.监狱看守被指控折磨囚犯。The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warden.典狱长正在调查一位监狱看守攻击和殴打一名犯人的指控。




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