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词汇 seeing
例句 The movie we wanted to see was sold out so we ended up seeing a different one.我们想看的那部电影票已卖完,所以我们最终看了场别的。It used to be that you could drive for miles here without seeing another person, but now there are houses and people everywhere.这地方以前开车几英里都看不到一个人,但现在到处都是房子和人。I'm seeing my boss for a catch-up next week.下星期我会和上司见面开个更新会。Kate despaired of ever seeing her husband again.凯特绝望了,她再也看不到她的丈夫了。I could have sworn I saw Marie come in just now. I must have been seeing things.我可以发誓,我看见玛丽刚才进来了。我一定是产生幻觉了。I can't get that image out of my mind. = I can't stop seeing that image in my mind. = That image is stuck in my mind.我没办法把那幅影像从我脑海中抹去。Mike despaired of ever seeing her again.迈克对再次见到她已不抱任何希望。My mother is seeing the doctor again next week.我妈妈下周又要去看病。It's hard to describe the joy we felt, seeing each other again after so many years.我们分别了这么多年之后再次相见,喜悦之情难以言表。The very thought of seeing his dad again made me shrivel up with embarrassment.一想到又要见他的父亲,我就觉得窘迫不安,没了精神头儿。If you're short of time, I recommend seeing at least the museum and the cathedral.如果你时间不够,我建议你至少要去参观博物馆和大教堂。I'll be seeing her home after the party tonight.今晚宴会后我陪送她回家。She felt some apprehension at the thought of seeing him again.想到又要见他,她就感到有些发怵。The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living rooms.在家中客厅里看到电视上的图片后,我们才充分意识到这场战争有多恐怖。He's not seeing anyone today.今天他谁也不见。They had been pumping money into the business for some years without seeing any results.几年来他们一直在为这个企业投入大量资金,可是还没有看到任何成果。Our subconscious plays tricks with us sometimes and we may imagine that we are seeing things such as ghosts.潜意识有时会和我们开玩笑,我们会以为自己看见了幽灵等等。I was dizzy, seeing double.我一阵眩晕,看到的都是重影。I've been seeing them a lot anymore. 我最近经常见到他们。That poisonous bastard Lucett told Morris I was seeing his wife.那个搬弄是非的坏蛋卢塞特告诉莫里斯我在和他的妻子约会。If he really was there, I must have seen him, but I don't remember seeing him.要是他真的在那儿,我肯定看到他了,但是我不记得见过他。The thought of seeing him again completely obsessed her.想到要再见到他,她就开始心神不宁。It griped my soul, always seeing the man there.我总是看到那个人在那儿,这让我非常害怕。The strain eventually became unbearable, and Adam started seeing a psychiatrist.最后压力大得没法承受,亚当就开始去看精神科医生了。To end on a positive note, we are seeing an increase in sales this month.从乐观的角度做个总结,我们这个月的销售额有所上升。Her husband, whom she adored, confessed that he had been seeing other women.她深爱的丈夫坦白承认,他在和其他女人来往。Just before his death he described seeing their son in a beautiful garden.就在临终前他说看到他们的儿子在一个美丽的花园里。Are you seeing Jane tomorrow?你明天要去看望简吗?I recall seeing a poster on his wall.我记得曾在他墙上见过一张招贴画。Medical staff, seeing that the child was in danger, decided to perform an operation.医务人员考虑到胎儿有危险,决定实施剖腹产手术。The children are seeing him in his true colours for the first time now.现在,孩子们第一次看到他的真面目。I couldn't face seeing anyone.我无法见任何人。There's nobody over there. I think you're seeing things.那边没人,我想你见鬼了吧。He reported seeing a UFO himself several years ago.他报告几年前自己亲眼看到一不明飞行物。Apparently he was off pressing the flesh at some luncheon, and that was more important than seeing us.他很显然地是在某个午餐会上和人握手,这比见我们来得重要多了。We are seeing a rapid growth in the use of the Internet.我们看到使用因特网的人在迅速增多。The construction delays on the highway have many commuters seeing red.公路建设延期让很多远距离通勤者大为恼火。Anita broke off her engagement when she found out that Paulo had been seeing another woman.安妮塔发现保罗在和另一个女人约会,于是就解除了婚约。He felt as if he were seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.他觉得自己像是从望远镜的另一端看东西。We're seeing more interracial romances in the movies.我们在电影中看到越来越多的跨种族恋情。




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