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词汇 在一旁
例句 There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve.巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。Phil looked on in disbelief as Maggie got up on the table and started to dance.当玛吉站到桌上开始跳舞时,菲尔在一旁满腹狐疑地观看着。She kicked off her shoes and started to dance.她把鞋子甩在一旁,开始跳舞。It eats in him to stand idly by.在一旁无所事事,这使他很不好受。We stood by helplessly while the fire destroyed the house.我们只能无奈地站在一旁,看着大火把房子吞没。He has watched from the sidelines the great developments unrolling in Eastern Europe.他一直在一旁关注东欧相继取得的重大进展。The coward just stood looking on while an old woman was robbed.老妇人遭抢劫时,这个胆小鬼只是站在一旁观望。The women looked on, nodding and smiling.那些女人在一旁看着,点头微笑。I was put straight into a waiting ambulance and rushed to the hospital.我被直接抬进等在一旁的救护车中,然后飞速送往医院。They were standing by and watching the fight.他们站在一旁看打架。Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.在一旁,民兵团正在堆柴点篝火。Large numbers of security police stood by.大批秘密警察站在一旁You can't just wait on the sidelines and hope things will improve.你不能只站在一旁来希望情况会好转。Lambs frolicked in the next field.小羊在一旁的田野里嬉戏。He watched as the print emerged from the press.在一旁看着印刷品从印刷机里出来。The other actors complained about me larking about when they were trying to concentrate.其他演员埋怨我在他们想专心的时候在一旁胡闹。She hates anyone listening while she's telephoning.她不喜欢打电话时有人在一旁听着。Helen noticed one little boy standing apart from the rest of the group.海伦注意到一个小男孩站在一旁,没有和其他孩子一起。The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.媒体也在一旁对这种非现实感推波助澜。She had a good greet, and her boyfriend was there to comfort her.她大哭了一场,男朋友在一旁安慰她。My uncle likes to kibitz when I play poker with my cousins.我和表兄弟玩扑克的时候,我舅舅喜欢在一旁指手画脚。A group of students stood by and watched the boys fight.一群学生站在一旁看着那些男孩子们打架。He cast off his clothes and dived into the cool water of the lake.他脱下衣服摔在一旁,一头跳入冰冷的湖水。He threw his weapon aside, held up his hands and yelled Kamerad.他把武器丢在一旁,举起双手高喊投降。Mr Parsons began to cough again, while his wife looked on helplessly.帕森斯先生又咳起来了,他妻子只能在一旁看着,毫无办法。The children played quietly in the back yard as Frances looked on with approval.孩子们在后院静静地玩着,弗朗西丝在一旁赞许地看着。He sat back and watched us do all the work.在一旁歇着,看着我们干所有的活儿。




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