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词汇 在上涨
例句 The river is rising.河水正在上涨The cost of dental treatment is increasing.治牙的费用在上涨The cost of living is once more on the increase.生活费又在上涨Postal charges are going up.邮费正在上涨The price of gold was going up.黄金价格在上涨Rising prices might erode purchasing power.在上涨的价格可能会破坏购买力。An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天公布的一项中立民意测验显示对政府的不满情绪正在上涨Inflation is down, spending is up. In short, the economy is in good shape.通货膨胀有所下降,消费则在上涨。总而言之,经济形势不错。There has been widepread flooding in Germany, and the rivers are still rising.德国多个地区遭遇洪水,河水仍在上涨The cost of public services is on the rise.公共事业的费用在上涨Internet stocks were bounding ahead.因特网股票正在上涨Oil is going up in price.石油价格正在上涨The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up.租房的费用不停地在上涨Prices for consumer goods are going up.消费品价格在上涨House prices are on their way up. 房价正在上涨Transatlantic airfares are going up.横越大西洋的飞机票价在上涨Industrial shares are hardening.工业股票正在上涨




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