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例句 Maybe we could still be together. A vain hope. But when you're in turmoil, you clutch at straws.也许我们还能在一起。这只是幻想而已。但是当你心乱如麻的时候,稻草你也会抓的。Seeing the two of them together totally confused me.看到他们两个在一起,我给完全搞糊涂了。She's fun to be with. = It's fun to be with her. = It's fun being with her. 和她在一起很开心。The prisoners were chained together.囚犯们被铁链拴在一起Hiring an assistant has freed him to spend more time with his family.雇个助手使他得以腾出更多的时间与家人在一起They wanted nothing more than to relax and spend their time together.他们不要别的,只想在一起轻松轻松。I can't stand being around him. For one thing, he smokes. For another, he's rude.我无法忍受跟他在一起。首先,他抽烟;其次,他很粗鲁。Embedded journalists travel and live with the forces, and are more or less under their control.随军记者的住与行都和军队在一起,或多或少受军队控制。He was surprised to find himself so at ease with her father.他吃惊地发现和她爸爸在一起会这么轻松。What the hell do I want with an emotional retard?和一个感情用事的傻瓜在一起,我究竟是图什么?Books and papers were piled on top of each other.书籍和文件杂乱地堆在一起Complex family relationships interweave with a murder plot in this novel.这部小说中,复杂的家庭关系与一个谋杀阴谋交织在一起She scrupled about being left alone with a young gentleman.她对单独留下与一位年轻绅士在一起感到有顾虑。Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.去年发生的一些事让整个社会紧密团结在一起Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their families.鼓励父亲们多和家人在一起I have heard his name coupled with that of a notorious criminal.我曾听见人家把他的名字和一名臭名昭著的罪犯联系在一起We do hope you enjoy your stay with us.我们真的希望你与我们在一起能过得愉快。She glued together several layers of paper.她把几层纸用胶粘在一起You'll be OK with Jane - she's a very careful driver.和简在一起没问题—她开车很小心。Water spread across the floor in a greasy stream, mingling with the pile of filthy rubbish.一股油腻腻的水流过地板,与一堆肮脏的垃圾混杂在一起The two men enjoy each other's company.这两个人喜欢在一起Straight men often feel nervous in the company of gays.不是同性恋的男人和同性恋的男人在一起时经常会感到紧张。She has a miserable existence living with him.和他生活在一起,她的日子苦不堪言。It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.遭受迫害的记忆和威胁把他们紧紧联系在一起Many passengers were trapped in the tangled mass of steel.许多旅客被困在那一堆缠绕在一起的钢铁之中。She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.她编织了一个有爱情和阴谋穿插在一起的复杂情节。From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起Anne and I separated for three months, but we are now together again.安妮和我分居了三个月,不过我们现在又在一起了。It is absolutely critical for us to remain together.我们要相守在一起,这是至关重要的。She secretly relished the thought of being alone with him.一想起与他单独在一起,她就暗自欢喜。She's taking a dig at her boyfriend again. How long can they stay together?她又对她的男友冷嘲热讽了,他们还能在一起多久呢? Interest rates are tied to the rate of inflation.利率和通货膨胀率紧密联系在一起They danced well together and won themselves a round of applause.他们在一起跳得很好,赢得了一阵掌声。After six months in the job, I was starting to feel more at ease with the kids.这工作干了六个月后,我开始感到和孩子们在一起更自在了。His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy.他的最后一部书把现实与梦幻大胆糅合在一起,有些地方表现出超现实主义色彩。They lived among the people of this remote island.他们与这座偏远岛屿上的人们生活在一起She kept all his letters as a reminder of their time together.她保存着他所有的来信,作为他们在一起度过的时光的留念。He felt a curious mixture of happiness and fear.他有一种幸福和恐惧交织在一起的奇特感觉。We'll be alone together, just like old times.将只有我们两人在一起,就像过去一样。It would be lovely to stay with you, but I don't want to put you out.和你在一起是很好,但是我不想给你添麻烦。




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