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词汇 Seeing
例句 Seeing her again recalled memories of the happy times we spent together.再次见到她使我回忆起我们曾在一起的幸福时光。Seeing your reaction, I would say that you're jealous that he has a new girlfriend.看你的反应,我认为你是嫉妒他有了新的女朋友。Seeing her again would be an upsetting experience after so many years.时隔这么多年再见到她将是一次令人不快的经历。Seeing the children suffer really tears me apart.看到孩子们受苦,我非常难受。Seeing wildlife is a regular occurrence where she lives.在她生活的地方经常能看到野生动物。Seeing tiny babies always makes me feel broody.看见小宝宝总是让我觉得自己也想生一个。Seeing the policeman there stopped me dead. I didn't know what to do.看到有警察,我一下子呆住了,不知道怎么办。I got a kick out of seeing her again. = Seeing her again was a kick.再次见到她让我很开心。Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.在礁石上可以看到上千种鱼是礁石的部分魅力所在。Seeing that advertisement in the paper was a lucky break for me.看见报上那则广告是我的好运。Seeing India at first-hand was a real education to me.亲眼见到印度对我来说的确是一次大长见识的经历。Seeing her husband still reading the morning paper, she bustled him off to work.看到丈夫还在看晨报,她便催他快去上班。Seeing her son outside, Mrs Evans rapped on the window and called him back into the house.看见儿子在外面,埃文斯太太叩了叩窗户,唤他回到屋里去。Seeing pictures of my old friends made me feel very nostalgic.看见老友们的照片让我非常怀念。Seeing the look of disapproval on the doctor's face, I put out my cigarette.看到医生脸上不满的神情,我掐灭了香烟。Seeing the opponent was off his guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。Seeing a school very much like the one I attended, I cannot but have a strong feeling of nostalgia.看到与我读过的非常相似的学校,我不禁兴起一种怀旧之情。Seeing her new baby just warms the cockles of your heart.看到她那刚出生的宝宝,你会打心眼里感到高兴。Seeing her lying there in a hospital bed was a very upsetting experience.看到她躺在医院的病床上,心里非常难受。Seeing her picture in the paper pulled me up short.在报纸上看到她的照片时我惊呆了。Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.第一次看到蛋孵化的那一刻令我永世难忘。Seeing the books neatly ranged in strict alphabetical order like this gives me a satisfied glow.看到书都像这样按着严格的字母顺序排列整齐,我感到非常满足。Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence.既然莫尔顿先生是位医生,我想他应该有点聪明才智。Seeing the two of them together totally confused me.看到他们两个在一起,我给完全搞糊涂了。Seeing how cleverly he had been outwitted he made no complaint.看到自己在计谋上完全不是对手,他甘拜下风。Seeing that it is eight o'clock, we'll wait no longer.由于时间已到八点,我们将不再等了。Seeing his parents at the rock concert was a shock.看到父母也来参加摇滚音乐会,他大吃一惊。Seeing her again was a real treat. = It was a real treat to see her again.再次见到她真是太好了。Seeing her again brought to mind the happy times we spent together in college.再次见到她让我想起了我们大学时在一起的美好时光。Seeing his chance, Dennis moved in for the kill.看到机会来了,丹尼斯开始采取行动。Seeing her again brought tears of joy to my eyes.再次见到她,我的眼里流出了喜悦的泪水。Seeing the opponent was off guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch.乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。Seeing how difficult their lives are has really put my problems into perspective.看到他们的艰难生活后,我对自己的问题有了正确认识。Seeing your name in the paper jogged my memory.在报纸上看到你的名字唤起了我的记忆。Seeing as how we got on so well together, it just seemed natural that we should hook up.既然处得这么好,似乎我们理所当然应该搭档。Seeing others enjoying themselves only served to heighten his sense of loneliness.看到别人开心快乐的样子反倒让他更觉孤独。Seeing everyone eating had made him extremely hungry.看到大家都在吃饭,他觉得饥肠辘辘。Seeing the artist's home and studio was the first astonishment of that day.参观艺术家的家和工作室是那天第一件令人惊讶的事。Seeing her again brought tears to my eyes. = Seeing her again brought a tear to my eye. 再见到她时,我潸然泪下。Seeing her there had moved him to think about the time they had together.在那儿看到她使他想起他们在一起的时光。




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