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词汇 stunned
例句 Morton stood stunned, unable to believe his ears.莫顿惊得呆立在那儿,不敢相信自己的耳朵。The country was stunned.全国人民都震惊了。I was stunned to hear the news of his death.我听到他的死讯感到震惊。We were all stunned by the news.消息令我们所有人惊叹不已。I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.这消息使我震惊,我最初的反应是愤怒。His old friends were stunned at his success.他的老朋友们对他的成功感到惊叹。She sat in stunned disbelief/silence.她惊愕地坐在那里,满腹疑惑/一言不发。My sister's revelation was met with stunned silence.我妹妹揭露出来的事引来一片惊愕和沉默。Canada was completely stunned by the shooting, for it thinks of itself as a peaceful, gentle nation.加拿大举国上下对这次枪击事件极为震惊,因为它一向认为自己是一个和平、文明的国家。United left the pitch looking stunned and drained.曼联队离开球场时看上去备受打击,身心俱疲。When they told me she had gone missing I was totally stunned.他们告诉我她不见了时,我当时完全惊呆了。Her comments were met with a stunned silence.她的话惊得四座哑然。They seemed stunned at his outburst.他们对他的突然爆发显得大为吃惊。He was stunned by the harsh rebuke from his father.父亲的怒斥使他不知所措。His announcement did not produce any immediate cheers, only a stunned silence while the words sank in.他的声明并没有当即引起什么欢呼,人们在领会了他的话后,只有一片令人意想不到的沉默。She was stunned and sank to the ground.她被击昏倒在地上。I am stunned and saddened by this news.这个消息令我大为震惊,非常难过。Leaving them all stunned, she walked out of the bar.她走出了酒吧,任由他们惊得目瞪口呆。Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end.许多来看电影的人都被这部影片暴力而悲惨的结局所震惊。The impact of the ball had stunned her.那一球把她打昏了过去。Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him.萨姆站在原地,被一下打昏了。News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.灾难消息使全世界的人震惊。The team are still stunned by their elimination from the World Cup.该队仍然未能摆脱被淘汰出世界杯的沉重打击。I sat down, stunned.我坐了下来,呆若木鸡。Morris was so stunned by this that he experienced a moment of total disorientation.莫里斯因此大为震惊,以致一度无所适从。She was stunned by the lies and deception her husband had used to hide his affairs.她丈夫为掩饰婚外情而说的谎话以及欺骗手段使她感到震惊。The guests were stunned into silence.客人们惊愕万分,一片哑然。After the attack, stunned villagers wandered the streets.袭击过后,受惊的村民们在街头徘徊。The ex-miner stunned the snooker world by winning his first tournament.那位曾经的矿工首次取得了锦标赛冠军,震惊了斯诺克台球界。She was a little stunned by the news.她有点儿被这个消息惊呆了。The fall had stunned him.这一跤把他摔昏了过去。The sights, sounds and smells of Delhi stunned me.在德里的所见所闻让我震惊。The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.袭击来得非常突然,他一时间惊得毫无反抗能力。A mugger stunned him with a brick and stole his wallet.抢劫犯用一块砖头将他打昏,偷走了他的钱包。Sasha was too stunned by what had happened to say a word.莎莎对发生的事情感到十分震惊,一句话都说不出来。There was a brief stunned silence, and then the entire family went into fits of laughter.有短短的一段时间大家都惊愕得张口结舌,过了一会,全家人都纵声大笑起来。We stared at each other in stunned silence.我们惊呆了,一言不发地互相凝视着对方。I was stunned to find that he'd left without us.我震惊地发现他已丢下我们走了。They were stunned by the news. = The news stunned them.这条消息令他们愕然。He had been stunned and, naturally, deeply upset.他感到震惊,当然也深感不安。




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