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词汇 stupidity
例句 I was shocked by the stupidity of their decision/behavior.我被他们愚蠢的决定/行为惊呆了。Is this the first of many questions that will plumb the depths of stupidity?这个之后是不是还有众多如此愚蠢透顶的问题?He arrogantly imputed stupidity to anyone who disagreed with him.他傲慢地认为那些与他意见相左的人都是愚蠢的。It's hard to know if it's corruption or just plain stupidity by the authorities.很难知道当局是腐败,还是实在太愚蠢。Her stupidity is beyond belief sometimes.有时候她蠢得令人难以置信。The main thing about the duke and duchess wasn't their duplicity, but their invincible stupidity.公爵和公爵夫人的主要问题不是口是心非,而是无可救药的愚蠢。That decision was sheer stupidity.那个决定是十分愚蠢的。She couldn't help feeling amazed at his stupidity.她不禁为他的愚蠢感到惊奇。I was astonished by his stupidity.他的愚笨让我大跌眼镜。He damned them for their stupidity.他对他们的愚蠢狠批一通。I stared at him, astonished by his stupidity.我盯着他,对他的愚蠢无知倍感惊讶。It's the height of stupidity.这真是愚蠢至极。I can't believe the stupidity of some people.我不能相信有些人居然这么愚蠢。She's paid a heavy price for her stupidity.她为自己的愚蠢付出了沉重的代价。The government is demonstrating utter stupidity in pursuing such a policy.政府执行此项政策愚蠢透顶。He seems to have elevated stupidity to an art form. 他似乎已经蠢到了极点。He stood on the street corner, haranguing passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war.他站在街角向路人慷慨陈词,说这场即将爆发的战争是如何荒唐。I now realize the stupidity of that statement.我现在意识到了那种说法的愚蠢之处。His stupidity is simply beyond belief.他的愚蠢让人难以置信。I blushed scarlet at my stupidity.我为自己的愚蠢羞愧得满脸通红。I never cease to marvel at his stupidity.他的愚蠢总是让我啧啧称奇。She rebuked herself sharply for her stupidity.她对自己的愚蠢自责不已。He kicked the tree in fury at his own stupidity.他为自己的愚行而气得猛踢树。I was exasperated by/at his stupidity.我因他的愚笨而恼火。The stupidity of that remark is almost past belief.那番评论简直愚蠢到让人无法相信。Through his own stupidity, he missed an excellent opportunity.由于自己的愚蠢,他失去了一次绝佳的机会。His cursed stupidity got him in trouble again.他那该死的愚蠢个性让他再次陷入了麻烦。It's more than a mistake; it's a case of monumental stupidity.这不仅是个错误,还是一个极其愚蠢的案例。It was sheer stupidity on the part of the crew.这完全是因为船员的愚蠢。The whole department is suffering because of her stupidity.整个部门由于她的愚蠢而遭了殃。His stupidity is rivalled only by his meanness.他这个人愚蠢的程度只有他自己的尖酸刻薄与之相及了。My own stupidity lost me the match.是我自己的愚蠢使我输掉了那场比赛。They imputed their defeat in the war to the stupidity of the generals.他们把战败归咎于将军们的愚蠢。He stopped, incredulous at his own stupidity.他当即住口,对自己的愚蠢简直有点不敢相信。She silently cursed her own stupidity.她在心里骂自己愚蠢。Her answer showed the most incredible stupidity.她的回答显得极为愚蠢。Trying to ban something they haven't seen is crass stupidity.试图取缔他们还没见过的东西是愚蠢透顶的。It was plain stupidity to think they could get away with a crime like that.他们真是愚蠢透顶,以为犯了那样的罪还能逍遥法外。It was an unpardonable stupidity to tell her the truth.把真相告诉她,这真是不可饶恕的愚蠢行为。She was paying a big price for her stupidity.她因自己的愚蠢而付出了巨大代价。




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