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词汇 stupid
例句 It was a very stupid thing to do and I feel bad about getting sent off.我做了件蠢事,我对被罚下场感到抱歉。You're acting stupid and I don't want to talk to you anymore.你的行为愚蠢透了,我再也不想跟你说话。She heard her father shouting that her mother was stupid, useless, and good for nothing but her money.她听到父亲叫嚷说母亲愚蠢无能,除了有点钱外一无是处。He said one too many stupid things and I just lost my rag.他的蠢话说得也太离谱了,我终于忍不住发了火。I realize that I've been rather stupid and selfish.我意识到自己一直都相当愚蠢和自私。I felt so stupid when I realized what had happened.意识到发生了什么事之后,我觉得自己傻极了。The stupid car won't start.这该死的车就是启动不了。This job stinks: stupid boss, hard work, and low pay.这个工作差劲透顶:老板笨,工作苦,薪水又低。I've really been very obtuse and stupid.我实在笨得不可理喻。I turned the job down, which was stupid of me.我把这份工作推辞掉,真是太傻了。It was a stupid thing to do and I bitterly regret it.这么做很愚蠢,我非常懊悔。What a stupid haircut!多可笑的发型!It's too stupid for words not having the machines switched on when they're most needed.最需要这些机器时却不打开,真是愚蠢至极。I wish I hadn't agreed to that stupid bet.我真希望自己没有同意打这么愚蠢的赌。Pull yourself together, you stupid woman!.冷静点,你这个蠢女人!I can't get this stupid radio to work.我无法弄响这台讨厌的收音机。Do I look that stupid?.我看起来有那么蠢吗?It's one thing after another with that stupid photocopier! What's wrong with it now?那台该死的复印机接二连三地出错!现在是什么毛病了?I can't believe I did something so stupid. I feel like a complete moron.我无法相信自己干了那么蠢的事。我觉得自己就像个大傻瓜。David's not stupid. He knows what's going on.戴维不笨,他明白现在的情况。Success has made him stupid.成功让他昏了头。She annoyed him with her stupid questions.她问的傻问题惹他生气了。I'm so stupid. Why didn't I just write it down?我真笨。我当时干嘛不把它写下来?I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine!我真应该跟我这些愚蠢的朋友理论理论!People go out and drink themselves stupid.人们出去喝酒,把自己喝得醉醺醺的。He says something stupid every time he opens his mouth. 他每次讲话都说一些蠢话。He tried to rob a policeman. How stupid can you get? 他试图抢劫警察,这有多愚蠢哪。I let my stupid pride come between us.我那可恶的自尊心在作祟,使我们俩之间产生了芥蒂。The film is full of stereotypes: a stupid blonde, a fat American tourist, and a gay man with huge muscles.这部影片里充满了模式化的形象:一个蠢笨的金发女郎、一个肥胖的美国游客和一个肌肉发达的男同性恋者。It was still an unbelievably stupid thing to do.要做的这件事仍然是愚蠢至极,令人难以置信。It was stupid of Lee to let them escape.李真蠢,让他们逃了。Oh, how stupid! I've left the key in the car.唉呀,我真傻!我把钥匙忘在车里了。He's sure to get nervous and say something stupid.他肯定会紧张,说出一些愚蠢的话来。The sailor was stupid with liquor.那水手醉得不省人事。What did you want to pull a stupid stunt like that for?你那样逞能到底是为了什么?Whose stupid idea was it to travel at night?晚上赶路是谁的馊主意?She wasn't stupid, though at times she gave that impression.她并不笨,只是有时候会给人这种印象。John told me one of his stupid jokes, and it took me about five minutes to get it.约翰给我讲了一个他常讲的那种愚蠢的笑话,过了五分钟我才明白过来。That was a really stupid thing to do.那么做真是太愚蠢了。We were stupid to wait so long before we made a decision.我们等了这么久才做出决定,真是不明智。




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