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例句 Fame has become an albatross around her neck.名气已成为她无法摆脱的烦恼。Japan last month, New York next month - you've become a regular globetrotter, haven't you?上个月去了日本,下个月又要去纽约——你可真的成了环球旅行者了,是不是?If the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in Parliament, it cannot become law.如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。What started out as a simple idea has become an expensive and complicated project.最初的一个简单的想法演变成耗资巨大而复杂的项目。She's been doing exercises to become stronger and more flexible.她一直勤于锻炼,以使身体更加结实和柔韧。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse.谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。There is no simple or definitive answer as to why he has become so reserved.他为什么变得如此沉默寡言,没有什么简单或确定的答案。Her husband had become withdrawn and moody.她丈夫变得沉默寡言、喜怒无常。Boys are forced to become child soldiers.男孩子们小小年纪被迫当兵。As the political emphasis shifts, Bulgaria will inevitably become more westernized.随着政治重心的转移,保加利亚将会不可避免地更加西方化。He never wavered in his determination to become a doctor.他想当医生的决心从未动摇过。This company has become insolvent and is in dire need of a financial bailout.这家公司已经周转不灵,急需财务救济。Truth, if exaggerated, may become falsehood.真理如加以夸张,可能成为谬误。Some young people become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence.一些年轻人在刚进入青春期时会变得羞怯和寡言少语。Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service.农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。Sport has become big business.体育已经成了一大产业。The knife has become dull from constant use. 因为使用频繁,这把刀已经变钝了。I would say that TV has become more a necessity than a luxury, wouldn't you?我觉得电视机变成了一种必需品,而不再是奢侈品了,你说呢?It doesn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. = It won't/wouldn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. 医生不应该和病人过于亲近。The origins of the tradition have become obscure.这个传统的起源已经不清楚了。As film audiences get older, they will become more discriminating.电影观众随着年龄增长会变得更有鉴赏力。The city has become a way station for travelling insurgents and foreign fighters.该城市已成为流亡叛乱分子和外国武装分子的一个中途停留地。Many disabled children become autonomous adults.许多有残障的孩子长大后都能够自立。Moving had become a common experience for me.搬家对我而言已经成了常事。I had no idea what would become of my plan to escape.我不知道我的逃跑计划结果会怎样。The country had become hopelessly bogged down in the war.该国深陷战争的泥潭无法抽身。That tragic day has become part of our collective memory. 那个悲惨的日子已经成为我们所有人记忆的一部分。Constitutional issues have become the dominating concern over the last few months.宪法问题在过去的几个月中已经成为人们最关心的问题。Mother has become quite oblivious after the illness.这次病后,妈妈变得特别健忘。He dropped out of school to become a waiter.他退学去当招待员。We had become a fragmented society during the depression.在经济萧条时期,我们的社会变得支离破碎。Since the rain, the air had become heavy and still and sultry.下雨后,空气变得凝重而闷热。She has the potential to become a champion.她有潜力成为冠军。They've become tribunes of the people.他们成了公民权利的捍卫者。Her biggest dream was to become a singer.她最大的梦想是成为歌手。It does his heart good to know that his daughters have become friends.得知他的几个女儿成为了朋友,他很开心。I see no reason, in all seriousness, why women should not become priests.说实在的,我当真不知道妇女为什么不可以当牧师。When you become anxious about sleeplessness, you actually make the problem worse.如果你担心失眠,实际上会使失眠更严重。When did you make a conscious choice to become an artist?你是什么时候有意识地选择要成为一名艺术家的?Discipline in Mr Brown's class has become very slack recently.布朗先生班里的纪律最近变得十分松懈。




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