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词汇 被授予
例句 The winning athlete was given a crown of laurel leaves.那位获胜运动员被授予一顶月桂叶花冠。He was assigned the rank of Commander.被授予海军中校军衔。The Secret Service is invested with the authority to guard the president and his family.特工处被授予了保卫总统及其家庭的职权。He was awarded the George Cross.被授予乔治十字勋章。A general discretion was given to him to make grants to particular persons.被授予发放补助给哪些具体人选的总的决定权。Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition.卡洛斯被授予短文写作竞赛一等奖。The wounded man was awarded a Purple Heart.这位伤员被授予了紫心勋章。He was granted a peerage.被授予贵族爵位。She was presented with a lifetime achievement award. 被授予终身成就奖。The winner was awarded a gold medal.获胜者被授予金牌。He was given a remarkably free hand in making all the arrangements.他在制定计划方面被授予很大的自行决定权。He was awarded several military decorations.被授予了多枚军功勋章。He received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.被授予了博士头衔,以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。He will be given tenure at Columbia University this year.他今年将在哥伦比亚大学被授予终身职位。John was granted an option to purchase 3,000 shares at a purchase price of $7.00 per share.约翰被授予三千股的股票购置权,每股七美元。He was awarded a doctorate in mathematics.被授予数学博士学位。They were awarded medals in recognition of their bravery.他们被授予了勋章,以表彰他们的英勇行为。After seven years I was finally granted tenure.七年后,我终于被授予了终身任职权。Diplomas were conferred on the students who had completed all courses of study.修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书。He was given the peerage after years of devoted service to the community.因为多年为社区全心全意的服务,他被授予贵族爵位。The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.武装部队将被授予一些新的涉及多方面的权力。The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.武装部队将被授予一些新的重要权力。He was awarded an honorary degree/title.被授予荣誉学位/头衔。There's an extraordinary amount of power vested in us.我们被授予了巨大的权力。He was awarded a patent for his invention.他因其发明被授予专利。He was given the honorific title of national chairman.被授予国家主席的尊称。Edward was awarded the Garter.爱德华被授予嘉德勋章。He was presented with a medal at the ceremony.典礼上他被授予一枚奖章。Mary was lost for words when she was awarded the prize.玛丽被授予该奖项的时候激动得说不出话来。In medieval times, many warriors loyal to the king received knighthood during an accolade.在中世纪的时候,好些忠于国王的武士都被授予骑士爵位。The centre was awarded a grant for outreach to the homeless.这个中心被授予一笔资金用于为无家可归者提供外展服务。He had just received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.他刚被授予了博士头衔以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。He received an honorary degree.被授予名誉学位。He was awarded several medals for gallantry in battle.他因作战英勇被授予多枚勋章。She has been granted tenure at Leeds University.她已被授予利兹大学的终身职位。He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in combat.他因作战英勇而被授予了军功十字勋章。Single mothers have been given preferential access to council housing.单亲母亲被授予了优先享用市政会公房的权利。Honours and academic degrees were heaped upon him.被授予种种荣誉和学位。For their bravery, they were rewarded with knighthood.他们因勇敢行为被授予爵士头衔。I was commissioned into the RAF.被授予皇家空军的军官军衔。




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