例句 |
They were scrimping and scraping all winter so that they could have a good holiday this summer.他们整个冬天精打细算过日子,以便省下钱来在夏天舒舒服服度假。I've been scrimping and saving all year to pay for our holiday.我一整年都在为我们能够度一次假而省吃俭用。After years of scrimping and saving, we've finally got enough money to go on a foreign holiday.经过多少年的省吃俭用,我们终于存够了钱出国度假。I had hardly any money left and was scrimping and saving just to buy the bare necessities.我的钱所剩无几,就省吃俭用,只买一些最必需的生活用品。 |