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词汇 scope
例句 Let's go inside and scope out the menu.我们进去看看菜单。The work has been good, but there's still some scope for improvement.工作干得不错,但仍然有改进的空间。The scope of the book has been broadened to include the history of Eastern Europe.书的范围有所扩大,包括了东欧历史。The subject lies outside the scope of this book.这个题目超出了本书的范围。Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind.经济学超出儿童的理解范围。Some technical terms are beyond the scope of this dictionary.有些专门术语不在本词典的范围内。We looked through the scope at the moon.我们通过望远镜看月亮。We need to delimit the scope of our discussion.我们需要设定讨论的范围。The change in the law was designed to limit the scope for corruption.修改法律条文是为了遏制腐败。There is plenty of scope for improvement.仍然大有改善的余地。The police have broadened the scope of the investigation.警方扩大了调查范围。There is plenty of scope for experimentation, provided we remain within the parameters of the budget.只要我们不超过预算,可以试验的方面是很多的。These criteria were used to determine the scope of the curriculum.这些标准用以确定课程范围。The scope of the exhibition is disappointingly narrow.展品的范围很窄,令人失望。Bird's-eye photos show the scope of the present flood.鸟瞰的照片显示了这次水灾的幅员。That topic falls outside the scope of this thesis.那个论题偏离了这篇论文论述的范围。Better paid labour means greater scope to increase the company's profits.提高劳工的工资意味着公司利润增加的可能性也更大。Everybody has some scope for doing their job in a more environmentally responsible way.每个人都有机会以对环境更负责的方式工作。There is considerable scope for further growth in the economy.经济的进一步增长还大有余地。The geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war.战后产品市场的地理范围扩大了。The law was expansive in its scope.这一法律涵盖面甚广。The sheer scope of the project was impressive.项目的宏大规模令人惊叹。It was determined that the Commissioner had been acting within the scope of his official duties.警察局长被认定是在自己的职责范围内行事。The old version of Tomb Raider was a lot more limited in scope than this one.《古墓丽影》的旧版比起这个版本内容要局限得多。We have developed an efficient banking service, but there is scope for further fine-tuning of the system.我们已开发了一种高效的银行服务,但该系统要达到完善仍有需要改进之处。A bigger budget will allow more scope for innovation.预算再多一些,创新的空间就大一些。The scope of the error is breathtaking.误差范围之大令人惊讶。A clear statement of the goal and scope of a research project is a useful reference point.研究项目有一个明确的目标和范围说明是很有用的参照点。There is not much scope for originality.没有太多的创新空间。I was impressed by the size and scope of the book.这本书部头大,内容广,令我印象深刻。Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products.各家银行都扩大了经营范围,开发新的金融产品。I'm afraid the matter falls outside the scope of this enquiry.恐怕这件事已超出此次调查的范围。Such subjects are not within the scope of this book.这些问题不在本书论及的范围之内。A full discussion of that issue is beyond the scope of this book.对那个问题进行全方位的讨论不在本书范围之内。We have chosen to define the scope of our study quite broadly.我们已决定把研究范围界定得笼统些。Though the work is broad in scope, it makes no claim to completeness.尽管该作品涉及面很广,但它并不追求面面俱到。Despite our recent success, there is still scope for improvement.尽管我们最近取得了成就,但是仍然有相当的发展空间。One company towers above all others in the scope of its operations and turnover.一家公司在运营及营业额方面远超其他公司。Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.多布森先生许诺拓宽该组织的活动范围。The terrain gave little scope for defence.这种地形无法防御。




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