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词汇 schoolwork
例句 She didn't realize how important schoolwork was until it was too late.她没有意识到学业有多重要,等到后来觉悟,却为时已晚。Family frictions can interfere with a child's schoolwork.家庭中的争吵会影响孩子的学业。Mom's threatened to take away my stereo if my schoolwork doesn't improve.妈妈威胁说如果我功课没改善的话,就拿走我的立体声音响。Tina's quite intelligent, but she's not really serious about her schoolwork.蒂娜挺聪明的,但她学习不是很认真。You should give your schoolwork precedence.你应该首先完成作业。The teacher said that Alex's schoolwork was very inconsistent.老师说亚历克斯的功课时好时坏。Jane started to lose interest in her schoolwork.简开始对自己的学业失去兴趣。He needs to refocus his attention on his schoolwork.他需要把注意力转移到自己的学业上。She was getting distracted from her schoolwork.她做作业时心不在焉。His schoolwork isn't stretching him enough.学校功课对他并没有形成足够的挑战。Tim, a third-grader, had difficulty with his schoolwork, and also found it hard to make friends.蒂姆是一名三年级学生,学习上有困难,而且交朋友也有问题。Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated despite her hard work.帕梅拉很担心,自己尽管很努力,但功课越来越糟。Children spend too much time on schoolwork, to the detriment of other activities.孩子把太多的时间用于做作业,影响了他们参加其他活动。By his own account, Huggins was a teacher's pet whose life revolved around his schoolwork.哈金斯自己说他当时是老师的宠儿,生活内容就是围绕着学业转。Jason was having problems with his schoolwork.詹森做作业遇到了难题。My mother would help me with my schoolwork.我的母亲会帮我做功课。She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork.她原来常常逼着我写作业。Johnny's had a lot of problems at home recently and it's starting to affect his schoolwork.约翰尼最近家里出了很多事,开始影响他的学业了。His schoolwork/grades got worse after his parents split up.父母离异后,他的学习成绩更差了。He was shattered and too tired to concentrate on schoolwork.他筋疲力尽,累得都无法集中注意力做作业。His schoolwork is so bad that it is past redemption.他的功课差得不可救药。She stopped going to classes and dropped behind in her schoolwork.她不去上课,功课也就落了下来。She has an uncaring attitude toward her schoolwork.她对学校作业不上心。I can't come out tonight. I'm up to my eyes in schoolwork.我今晚不能出来了。作业太多了。She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc.她知道有关我的学业、医院工作等所有的一切。As children we suffered through schoolwork that was dull and repetitive.我们小时候受过学校功课的苦,那些作业真是既单调又重复。The program combines schoolwork with job experience.这个计划将课业和工作实践结合在一起。Nick's teachers think that problems at home are the reason for his poor schoolwork.尼克的老师觉得家庭问题是造成他功课差的原因。




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