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词汇 自高自大
例句 Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.苏珊和德博拉一样,都是典型的自私自利、自高自大的人。He's a small man with a big ego - that about sums him up.他是个自高自大的小个子男人——这样都差不多概括他了。Her book is simply a collection of memories, told without conceit or self-absorption - and therein lies its power.她的书只是一本回忆集,既没有自高自大也没有顾影自怜——而这正是该书的魅力所在。This is a tale of how an honourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation towards catastrophe.这个故事讲述一个追求崇高目标的磊落君子是如何因自高自大而将自己的国家引向灾难。We are pleased by his success, but we worry that he might be getting above himself.我们为他的成功感到高兴,可是我们也担心他会自高自大




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