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例句 The boss says you must wear a tie. And God help you if you don't.老板说你得打领带,如果不听你会倒霉的。The package says you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery after taking these pills.包装上说服用此药片后不可开车或操作重型机器。Mum says you can kip on the sofa tonight.妈妈说你今晚可以睡在沙发上。Your teacher says you were caught cheating. What do you have to say for yourself?你的老师说你作弊被逮住了。你有什么要解释的吗?The recipe says you can substitute yoghurt for the sour cream.食谱说可以用酸奶替代酸味奶油。I tried to get my mother to start using a computer, but she says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.我想让我妈开始用电脑,但是她说老古董学不会新东西。The recipe says you should beat the eggs lightly/thoroughly/well.菜谱上说,你应该轻轻/充分/均匀地打散鸡蛋。You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may.你只能在你护照上盖的印记所规定的地点居住。The doctor says you shouldn't put any weight on that foot for a week. 医生说你那只脚一个星期不能受力。




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