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词汇 say something
例句 If someone says something critical I take it to heart.如果有人提出批评,我会十分介意。It angered me that she would say something like that.她居然说出那样的话,太让我生气了。Stop right there, before you say something you'll regret.趁你说出会让你将来后悔的话之前,立刻打住。He parted his lips to say something.他张开嘴想说点儿什么。He's sure to get nervous and say something stupid.他肯定会紧张,说出一些愚蠢的话来。Rachel, you must have misunderstood her! Ellie would never say something like that.雷切尔,你一定是误会她了! 埃莉绝不会说那样的话。I was going to say something similar.当时我正要说类似的事。He was trying to say something and I leaned down close to try and hear what it was but it just turned into a death rattle.他想要说些什么,我俯下身贴近他,努力想听清他说的话,但只听到他喉头发出的声响。Travis was about to say something, then changed his mind.特拉维斯刚想说点什么,又改变了主意。He seemed to be itching for an excuse to say something rude.他似乎很想找个借口讲粗话。Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?他为什么就不能讲些有新意的话,而不是喋喋不休地说些老生常谈呢?This incident says something about the way the company is run.这一事件表明了该公司的经营方式。He started to say something but thought better of it.他开始说了些话,但决定还是不再说下去为好。I'd like to say something but I'm afraid I'll put my foot in it.我想说几句,但又担心自己会说错。Jim was hovering at her elbow, trying to say something.吉姆在她身边转来转去,想要说些什么。He made the effort to say something pleasant.他尽量说了些客气的话。He was just going to say something, when, with exquisite timing, Huntley appeared at his elbow.他正要说什么,亨特利恰好就出现在了他的身边。I started to say something but she interrupted me.我刚要说话,就被她打断了。It's hard to believe that anyone would say something like that.很难相信有人会说出那样的话。I was going to say something but he beat me to it.我刚要开口说几句,却被他抢先说了。I felt compelled to say something in Henry's defence.我觉得必须为亨利说几句话。Estela started to say something but a gesture from her husband quieted her at once.埃丝特拉正要说些什么,但是看到丈夫的一个手势,马上就不说话了。He says something stupid every time he opens his mouth. 他每次讲话都说一些蠢话。I'm paraphrasing, but he did say something like that.我是在改述,但是他确实说了类似的话。I wanted to say something about it, but she asked me not to.我本来想讲讲那事,但她不让我说。He started to say something, then thought better of it.他开口想说点什么,后来想想又算了。Emily always managed to say something cutting whenever we met at a party.每次我们在聚会上碰到,埃米莉总要说一些刻薄的话。I was sorely tempted to say something rude to her, but I didn't.我非常想对她爆粗口,但是我没有那么做。He looked as if he was going to say something.他看起来好像要说什么。I didn't trust myself not to say something rude, so I just kept quiet.我不能保证自己不说无理的话,于是就保持沉默。He intimated that he wanted to say something.他示意要说几句话。It was so unlike him to say something like that, with such intensity, that I was astonished.他一反常态用如此强烈的语气说出那番话,着实让我吃惊。When I say something to you I expect an answer. 我跟你说话时,希望你能有反应。He felt it necessary to say something. = He felt that it was necessary to say something.他认为有必要说些什么了。She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent.她很想挖苦他几句,但还是忍了下来,没有说话。He tried to say something, but gulped, and no words came.他想说什么,但哽住了,什么话都说不出来。The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project.从周边环境和这幢大楼的外观可以看出这个项目的举足轻重。He felt a compulsion to say something.他有想说点什么的冲动。I've had enough of your constant nit-picking. Why can't you say something encouraging?我对你老是吹毛求疵受够了。为什么你就不能说些鼓励的话?It sounded as if he were trying to say something.听上去他好像试图要说些什么。




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