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词汇 sane
例句 No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties.理智的人都不愿意看到冲突或伤亡。It was a relief to hear one sane voice among all the shouting and hysteria.在这歇斯底里的叫嚣声中能听到一个清醒的声音,这是令人欣慰的。We ought to be able to discuss this in a sane and reasonable way.我们应该能理智地讨论此事。No sane man would go swimming in this nasty weather.神志正常的人谁也不会冒著如此恶劣的天气去游泳。He is perfectly sane. 他的心智十分健全。Robbie did what any other sane person would do in this situation.罗比做了任何有理智的人在这种情况下都会做的事。In the doctor's opinion he was sane at the time of the murder.按照医生的看法,他在谋杀时神志清醒。No sane person would want to kill a baby.神志正常的人不会去杀一个婴儿。In spite of the extremity of her seclusion she was sane.尽管完全与世隔绝,她依然心智健全。Trips to the beach keep me sane. 海滩之旅令我神清气爽。The jury decided that Malich was sane when he opened fire.陪审团裁定马利希在开枪时神志正常。I need you sane and sober.我要你清醒、冷静。No sane person would believe such garbage!没有一个脑子正常的人会相信这种胡说八道!In spite of the extremity of her seclusion, she was sane.尽管完全与世隔绝,她依然心智健全。Exercise keeps me sane. If I didn't exercise, the stress would get to me.体育锻炼让我保持清醒,如果不锻炼我就会感到有压力。It's hard to stay/remain sane when I'm so busy.我一忙得不可开交时就很难保持大脑清醒。To his neighbours, Peter appeared perfectly sane.彼得在邻居眼里很正常。It wasn't the act of a sane person.心智健全的人做不出这种事来。He has a diseased body but a sane mind.他身体有病但头脑健全。Leaving was the only sane option she had.离开是她唯一的明智之选。I don't think any sane person would take his threats seriously.我觉得任何一个头脑清醒的人都不会拿他的威胁当真。Reading and talking is what kept him sane.阅读和谈话使他保持心智健全。The only thing that kept me sane was music.唯一能够帮我解忧的就是音乐。I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.我认为,在一群疯子的世界里只有我自己是理性的。She has a sane attitude towards diving and never goes too fast.她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。Did he come across as a sane rational person?.他看起来是一个正常而理智的人吗?Why do apparently sane people go through all the blood, sweat, tears and heartache involved in getting a PhD?为什么那些看起来神志正常的人会拼了命地要拿到一个博士学位?Of course he isn't mad. He's as sane as you or I.他当然不是疯了。他的精神像你我一样健全。It was a sane decision and one we all respected.这是一个明智的决定,也是我们都尊重的决定。Having that little bit of time to myself is what keeps me sane.正是有那点儿独处的时间才使我能保持头脑清醒。Jonah was sane enough. Hard as nails, very much all there.乔纳头脑相当清醒,不讲情面,又非常机敏。No sane person could do something so horrible.头脑正常的人是不会做那么可怕的事情的。She seems perfectly sane to me.在我看来,她神志清醒着呢。




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