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词汇 sailors
例句 The sailors just throw their rubbish over the side.水手们直接把垃圾从船舷上扔了出去。The sailors wore jackets made from tough waterproof cotton.水手们穿着用牢固的防水棉布做的衣服。The sailors were cast away on a desert island.水手们因船只失事而流落到一个荒岛。We were both experienced sailors.我们两个都是经验丰富的水手。The equipment allows sailors to read their geographical coordinates for any given location.这台设备使得水手能够读出任何特定位置的地理坐标。The sailors trimmed the sails.水手们调整了帆的方向。The sailors staged a mutiny and took control of the ship.水手发起叛乱并控制了这艘船。The two sailors are caught up in a diamond-smuggling racket.两名海员因走私钻石被捕。The sailors trimmed the boat.水手们调整负载使船平稳。The disobedient sailors were threatened with the lash.违抗命令的水手有受到鞭打的危险。The sailors docked the ship.水手们将船停靠在码头。Five sailors were killed when their ship hit a mine.船撞上鱼雷,五名水手丧命。The search was called off for the sailors who disappeared in the storm.搜寻在风暴中失踪水手的行动被取消了。The sailors were washing down the decks.水手们在上上下下冲洗甲板。The sailors started heaving on the rope.水手们开始用力拉绳索。The sailors found the mess a congenial lot.水兵们发现一起用膳的人们志趣相投。The sailors were living in close quarters.水手们住得非常拥挤。The surviving sailors managed to keepup until the life boat came.幸存的水手们努力设法浮在水面,直到救生艇来到。At Odessa, the sailors of the Imperial navy mutinied.在敖德萨,帝国海军的水兵们发生哗变。Common sailors used to be berthed before the mast.普通水手的舱位以前通常安置在艏舱。The sailors were flogged for attempting a mutiny.那些水手因企图哗变而遭到鞭打。After days at sea, the sailors finally sighted land.在海上漂流数日后,海员们终于看到了陆地。Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.奇西克教堂为水手的守护神圣尼古拉而建。The sailors lost their bearings last night.昨夜水手们迷失了方向。The sailors were marooned on the island for six months.那些水手被困在这个岛上六个月。The sailors were taking soundings as the ship approached the coast.船舶驶近海岸时,水手们在进行水深测量。The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore.水手们受到警告,不许在岸上惹麻烦。One of the sailors had fallen overboard.其中一名水手从舷边落入水中。For thousands of years, sailors navigated by the stars.数千年来,海员根据星辰确定航向。Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。The sailors are preparing themselves for a long voyage.水手们正在为远航做准备。The navy rescinded its ban on women sailors.海军取消了对女水兵的禁令。Several sailors were straining at the rope.几个水手在使劲拉绳子。The church tower on the top of the cliff has been a landmark for sailors for centuries.悬崖顶上的教堂钟楼几个世纪以来一直是指引水手的陆标。The sailors scuttled the ship to prevent it falling into the hands of the enemy.水手们把船凿沉以免其落入敌手。The sailors made a raft by lashing tree-trunks together.水手们把树干紧紧绑在一起做了个筏子。The sailors' language was richly larded with oaths.水手的言语中搀杂着不少骂人话。The shipwrecked sailors were nearly maddened by cold and hunger.因船舶失事而遭难的水手们饥寒交迫,简直要发疯了。The sailors were identically dressed.水手们穿得一模一样。The sailors were ordered to man their battle stations.水手们受命守卫各自岗位。




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