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The family gathered on the porch to say goodbye.全家人聚集在门廊里互相道别。A crowd began to gather on the sidewalk.人群开始在人行道上聚集起来。A crowd of children had gathered on the station platform to wave him off.一群孩子聚集在站台上跟他挥手告别。Many of the plants in the gardens were gathered on trips to Japan and China.花园里的许多植物是在去日本和中国时收集到的。A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off.一大群人聚集在码头上,为他们送别。Harry was afraid. Sweat gathered on his upper lip.哈里很害怕。汗水在他上唇聚了起来。The dew gathered on the leaves.露水在叶子上凝结。An angry crowd had gathered on the steps of the palace.愤怒的人群聚集在王宫外的台阶上。Nervously clutching our glasses of wine, we gathered on the terrace.我们聚集到露台上,紧张地攥着手中的酒杯。Several hundred students gathered on campus.几百名学生聚集在校园里。Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。People gathered on the mountain to render up their prayers to the gods.人们聚集在山上向上苍诸神祈祷。As the hoarfrost began to gather on him his wife went to her grave.他的须发开始变白时,妻子去世了。Thousands of people plan to gather on Sunday to express their opposition to the government's handling of the crisis.有数千人计划在星期天集会,对政府的这种危机处理方式表示反对。Nervously clutching our glasses of chilled wine, we gathered on the terrace.我们聚集在露台上,手里紧张地握着盛有冰镇葡萄酒的酒杯。 |