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例句 She hastily gathered all her belongings together.她把自己的东西匆忙收拾了起来。He noticed a crowd gathered in one part of the square.他发现一群人聚集在广场的一角。She has gathered a plenitude of information on the topic.她收集了与那个题目相关的大量信息。The coach gathered her players together.教练把她的队员们召集到了一块儿。We gathered around a campfire and shared stories.我们围在篝火旁分享彼此的故事。A huge crowd gathered to hear Mandela speak.一大群人聚集起来听曼德拉发表演说。Snow gathered thickly in the folds of their clothes.雪厚厚地积在他们衣服的褶皱里。Thousands of people had gathered at Cape Canaveral to watch the rocket lift off.数以千计的人聚集在卡纳维拉尔角观看火箭发射。Harry was afraid. Sweat gathered on his upper lip.哈里很害怕。汗水在他上唇聚了起来。As the slope got steeper, the sled gathered momentum.坡道越来越陡,雪橇的速度也越来越快。Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响。A group of photographers and reporters gathered outside the court.一群摄影师和记者聚集在法院门外。Crowds had gathered at the harbour to watch the ship come in.人群聚集在港口,观看轮船进港。The demonstrators had gathered in the cathedral square.示威者聚集在主教座堂广场上。The dew gathered on the leaves.露水在叶子上凝结。He gathered all his strength to deliver his opponent the final mortal blow.他聚集全身力量给了对手最后致命的一击。Football fans gathered around the TV in the corner of the bar.足球迷们聚在酒吧角落处的电视前。The plan gathered dust until last fall.计划一直被搁置到去年秋天。She gathered her children and ran for shelter.她把孩子们拉到一块儿,向避难所跑去。Everyone gathered around him as he began to speak.他开始讲话时,所有人都围在他的周围。Many people gathered to meet the Queen during her walkabout.女王视察时许多人聚集在一起想见到她。Crowds gathered around the Parliament building.人群聚集在议会大厦的周围。Her family all gathered around her, but she motioned them away.家人都围到她身边,但她示意他们离开。When Sutcliffe had gathered up his papers, he went out.萨克利夫收齐了他的文件便出去了。The dress is gathered at the waist with elastic.这条裙子腰部用松紧带打了褶子。A crowd gathered around to watch the fight.人群聚拢来看打架。The family gathered to celebrate Christmas.家人团聚庆祝圣诞节。We are gathered here to honour the memory of this great man.我们聚集在这里缅怀这位伟大人物。The information gathered by the telescopes will be processed by computers.通过望远镜获得的信息将由计算机进行处理。I had gathered only the most rudimental information.我只搜集到最基本的一点信息。The sled gathered speed as it moved down the hill.雪橇向山下滑动时速度变得越来越快。A small group had gathered outside the stage door.剧场后门聚集了一小群人。After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard.风暴过后,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。Everyone gathered at the hospital to see the family's new arrival.大家都聚在医院看望家里刚出生的婴儿。In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.在第三章,我会介绍我收集到的一些文献记录。Protestors gathered outside the court to await the verdict.抗议者聚集在法庭外等待判决。We usually gathered at our favorite watering hole downtown.我们通常到市中心我们最喜欢的酒吧里聚会。The crew of the trawler were gathered below decks.托网渔船上的船员被聚集到甲板下。The family gathered on the porch to say goodbye.全家人聚集在门廊里互相道别。They gathered around the stove to soak up warmth.他们聚在火炉周围取暖。




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