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Their safety standards seem to be pretty low.他们的安全标准似乎相当低。We have very high safety standards in this laboratory.我们这个实验室有很高的安全标准。The device meets safety standards.此设备符合安全标准。I was worried that I would be regarded as a troublemaker if I complained about the safety standards.我担心如果我对安全规范提意见的话,会被看作是个惹是生非的人。Investigators called for an audit of flight safety standards.调查者要求对飞行安全标准进行审查。Regular inspections ensure that high safety standards are maintained.定期检查可确保维持较高的安全标准。The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.报告把事故归咎于安全方面没有达标。A spokesman said that the company had improved its safety standards.一名发言人说公司已经提高了安全标准。There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax.有幸存者称安全标准不严格。The company has laid down strict new safety standards.这家公司已制定了严格的新安全标准。Regular checks are required in order that safety standards are maintained.需要定期检查以确保安全方面达标。The regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards.条例规定一切都要遵守相关的安全标准。The disaster prompted questioning about safety standards.那场灾难促使人们对安全标准产生质疑。Tough new safety standards have been introduced for cars.汽车生产采用了更加严格的新安全标准。We'll be carrying out our own inspection, to satisfy ourselves that safety standards are acceptable.我们将自行检查,以确信安全标准是可接受的。Any complaint about safety standards must be treated very seriously.任何有关安全标准的投诉意见都必须十分认真地对待。All fireworks must conform to British safety standards.所有焰火的生产都必须遵照英国安全标准。We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards.我们不愿在安全标准问题上放松。The aim is to modernize production methods and raise safety standards.目的就是要使生产方式现代化并提高安全标准。The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.这些玩具不符合现行的安全标准。The union stressed the need for stricter safety standards.工会强调了制定更严格的安全标准的必要性。The manager should take appropriate action if safety standards are not being met.如果没有达到安全标准,经理应该采取适当的措施。While the majority of the regulations on safety standards were helpful, employers found some of them infuriatingly niggling.虽然安全标准规定大部分是有用的,但有一些却琐碎到让雇主们受不了。Before buying the baby's car seat , make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.购买婴儿车之前,要确保它符合官方的安全标准。I fully endorse the measures taken to improve safety standards.我完全赞成为提高安全标准所采取的这些措施。 |