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例句 He teaches his students that balance is the first law of architecture. 他教导他的学生说平衡是建筑学的第一规则。She teaches a step class.她在一个踏板运动班当教练。The program teaches children of varying ages.这个课程计划针对各年龄段的孩子。The class teaches you how to incapacitate an attacker.这门课程教你如何制服攻击者。Genet teaches you to think creatively.吉尼特教你创造性地思考。This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.这本实用的旅行指南教给你放松的方法、处理问题的技巧以及如何安排时间。Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.汤姆在当地艺校教雕塑。She teaches at a college of further education.她在一所进修学院执教。She teaches at an inner-city school.她在一家市中心贫民区学校教书。She teaches swimming, lifesaving and water aerobics.她教授游泳、救生术和水中有氧运动。Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified.正统基督教向人们传授耶稣被钉在十字架上处死三天之后复活。He teaches history at the local school.他在当地的学校里教历史。History teaches us that New Zealand teams are almost unbeatable on their own turf.以往的记录告诉我们,新西兰队在主场比赛中几乎是不可战胜的。Miss Himes teaches the youngest class, the four- and five-year-olds.海姆斯小姐教年龄最小的班,都是四五岁的孩子。Few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches.很少有音乐家像他这样多才多艺:演奏、作曲、编曲和教学他都会。He teaches strings to schoolchildren.他教小学生拉奏弦乐器。The basis of his employment is coaching basketball but he also teaches mathematics.他的主要职业是当篮球教练,但也兼教数学。She teaches poetry.她教诗歌课。She teaches English to Italian students.她教意大利学生英语。The course teaches women ways to restore balance, calm, and harmony.该课程教给女性恢复镇定、平静与和谐的方法。Granston is a graphic artist who now teaches visual arts and journalism at the college.格兰斯通是平面造型艺术家,目前他在大学里教授视觉艺术和新闻学。Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。She teaches drama and dance.她教戏剧和舞蹈。Mr. Smith teaches us English.史密斯先生教我们英文。She teaches physics.她教物理。He teaches RE at the local school.他在当地的学校中教宗教课。Each story teaches an important moral lesson.每个故事都是一个重要的道德训诫。Sally teaches the under-5s.萨莉教五岁以下的孩子。The Department has a growing section which teaches English to speakers of other languages.这个系有一个日益壮大的教研组负责向操其他语言的人教授英语。She teaches at Harvard’s Department of Linguistics.她在哈佛大学语言学系任教。He teaches cookery at the local college.他在当地的职业学校教烹饪。She teaches deaf children to lip-read.她教耳聋儿童运用唇读法。He teaches art with visual aids.他利用直观教具教美术。The book teaches kids not to buy into the notion that money brings happiness.这本书教导孩子们不要相信金钱可以带来幸福这一观念。This is a game for children which painlessly teaches essential prereading skills.这是个能轻松教会孩子们课前阅读基本技能的游戏。She teaches reading to students in kindergarten.她教幼儿园的学生阅读。He teaches a course in creative writing.他教创造性写作这门课程。Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London.尼尔在伦敦吉尔德霍尔音乐学校教书。The driving course teaches beginners the basics.驾驶课教授初学者基础知识。She teaches keyboarding and office skills.她教打字和办公技能。




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