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词汇 teachings
例句 These teachings can be crassly misinterpreted.这些教义可能会被愚蠢地曲解。Much of what passes for Christianity is a negation of Christ's teachings.许多被接受为基督教的东西其实是对基督教诲的否定。Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.奥古斯丁后来把这一哲学的基本原理和基督教的教义结合了起来。We weren't allowed to put into practice in our daily lives the teachings we received.我们不能够将所受的教义在日常生活中付诸实践。One of the main teachings of Buddhism is that you should try to purify your mind.佛教的主要教义之一是人应该努力净化自己的思想。Islam was inspired by the teachings of the spiritual leader Mohammed.伊斯兰教是受宗教领袖穆罕默德的教义影响产生的。The terrorists practise a fringe-form of Islamic extremism that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam.恐怖分子践行一种边缘化的伊斯兰极端思想,歪曲了伊斯兰教的和平教义。The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.天主教会发行了教义简编。His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。He lived in obedience to the church's teachings.他严格按照教规生活。She left the Church because of its misogynist teachings on women and their position in society.她离开教会是因为它那套敌视女性并贬低女性社会地位的说教。These teachings do not constitute a religion in the conventional sense.这些学说不构成传统意义上的宗教。I follow the teachings of the Buddha.我信奉佛教。The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.天主教会已经颁布了其教义纲要。His teachings still exert a strong influence.他的教导仍在产生巨大影响。Church leaders permitted no dissent from church teachings.教会领袖不允许对教会的教义有不同意见。The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with the teachings of Islam.埃及贫民深受伊斯兰教教义的影响。The priest's teachings do not conform with church doctrine.那位神父的教诲与教会的教义不符。His teachings were accepted as oracles by the older generation.老一代人将他的教导当作圣言。He followed the teachings of the Bible on this subject.他在这个问题上遵从《圣经》教义。Americans' views often defy categorization and contradict the teachings of their faith.美国人的见解常常难以归类,并且与他们信仰的教义相抵触。None of the more recent views invalidates Hahnemann's original discoveries or teachings.近来更多的观点都未能推翻哈内曼最早的发现和学说。




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