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词汇 safe
例句 The machinery is regulated to a safe running speed.这台机器调到了安全的运行速度。Playing safe, I kept away.为求稳妥,我走开了。I'm sure they're safe, or else we'd have heard something.我确信他们是安全的,不然我们就会听到些什么的。Her comforting presence made him feel safe.她的在场给了他安慰,使他感到很安全。The city was a violent place at that time, and it was not safe to walk the streets during the hours of darkness.那时候这座城市里充斥着暴力,天黑以后在街上走很不安全。She had a safe, cosseted childhood.她拥有一个健康平安、爱意浓浓的童年。We need to create a safe working environment for all employees.我们需要为所有员工创造一个安全的工作环境。He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance.他认为自己能找到一种从安全距离给大象接种疫苗的方法。The runner was safe on a close play at first base.虽然险些出局,跑垒员还是成功上到一垒。We need to make sure that the children are safe and sound.我们要确保孩子们安然无恙。Emile wished on the morning star for a safe voyage.爱米尔对着晨星祈祷,希望旅途平安。The burglars broke open the locked safe.入室窃贼砸开了上锁的保险柜。He was looking for a fail-safe source of money.他在寻找一个万全的资金来源。The Film Club could have played safe by starting the season with one of the ever-popular Hitchcock movies, but instead they chose to show an avant-garde documentary.电影俱乐部本可以稳妥些,在本季开始时放映一部在任何时候都受欢迎的希区柯克影片,可他们却偏要放映一部先锋派纪录片。Most gardens designed with children in mind are safe but dull.大多数设计时考虑到了儿童的花园都很安全,却也单调乏味。Don't be so scary; we're quite safe.不用怕成这样,我们很安全。The city's transportation system is clean, safe, and well run.该市的公共交通系统清洁安全,管理很好。Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.只要具备/运用些常识,帆板冲浪运动非常安全。We do not know whether the lake is safe for swimming in.我们不知道在这湖里游泳是否安全。It's not safe to go nap on our hunches.单凭直觉冒大风险是不稳妥的。Be sure to drive safe. 务必安全驾驶。It is their duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the equipment is safe.只要力所能及,确保设备安全是他们的职责。I'm afraid safe driving isn't Jaqui's only hobbyhorse.恐怕安全驾驶不是贾奎唯一过多谈论的话题。It is important to keep all of your financial documents in a safe place.把你所有的财务单据保管好很重要。Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.某些药品在分开服用时是安全的,但在混合服用时则会致命。A teacher's job is relatively safe, even if they perform under par in the classroom.教师的职业相对稳定,即使他们的课上得不怎么好。Are appliances you buy safe? We point out the danger signs.你买的家用器具安全吗?我们指出一些危险征兆。He drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.他驾驶汽车既快又稳,只有在无风险时才超车。The army had agreed to allow civilians safe passage out of the area.部队已经同意允许平民安全离开该地区。This perfect control made their sliding safe and allowed them to proceed to the powered airplane.这种完善的操纵机构,使他们能安全滑翔并进一步制造有动力装置的飞机。Do you know the combination of the safe?你知道开保险箱的暗码吗?They went on vacation, safe in the knowledge that the farm would be well cared for while they were away.得知自己不在时农场会有人悉心照料,他们就安心地去度假了。We lit a big fire which made us feel very snug and safe.我们生起了一大堆火,这让我们感觉非常温暖而踏实。She cried with joy when she heard that the children were safe.听到孩子们安全的消息,她喜极而泣。He keeps the children at a safe remove from the dangers of the city.他使孩子们与城市各种有危险的事物保持一段安全距离。The book describes which mushrooms are safe to eat and which are not.这本书讲述了哪些蘑菇可以安全食用,哪些不能。We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.听说他们平安无事,我们都松了一口气。Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesn't seem safe.那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。I won't be easy in my mind until they're safe at home.在他们安全回到家之前我是不会放心的。Her maid locked the case in the safe.她的女佣把箱子锁进保险柜里。




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