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词汇 must have been
例句 This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.这一定是他劳碌工作的一生中最引以为荣的时刻之一。You must have been very worried.你肯定很担心了吧。The killer must have been heavily bloodstained.杀手的身上肯定沾满了血迹。The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot.观众一定是让剧情完全搞晕了。We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent.我们完全相信他曾经是一名克格勃特工。His assassins must have been aware of his security arrangements.刺杀他的人肯定知道他的保安措施。This must have been causing Jean immeasurable grief.这一定给琼带来了无限的悲痛。There must have been a computer malfunction.一定是出了电脑故障。I could have sworn I saw Marie come in just now. I must have been seeing things.我可以发誓,我看见玛丽刚才进来了。我一定是产生幻觉了。She realized that his protest must have been more or less academic.她认识到他的抗议或多或少都只是口头说说而已。There must have been an inch of grease on the kitchen stove.厨房的炉子上肯定已经积了一英寸厚的油污。Your dress must have been expensive.你的衣服一定很贵。The property must have been nearly a thousand acres all told.地产共计近千英亩。There's nobody at the door-you must have been imagining things!门口没有人 - 你一定是产生幻觉了!The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot.观众肯定对情节感到非常困惑。I must have been blind not to realize what was going on.我没有意识到正在发生什么事,真是瞎了眼。He must have been insane to sell his car for the mud.他竟把汽车当废品卖掉,准是疯了。I guessed from his name that Jose must have been Spanish.从荷西这个名字判断,我猜他是西班牙人。The street must have been on a slope.这条街一定是建在一个斜坡上。It must have been the coffee that kept me awake.肯定是喝了咖啡让我一直很清醒。It must have been an allergic reaction to something we ate.这肯定是我们吃的某种东西造成的过敏反应。There must have been some mistake.一定是出了什么差错。Sorry I made such a fool of myself last night. I must have been drunk.对不起,昨天晚上我太失态了,我一定是喝醉了。The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone.警车开得这么快,一定是在追捕什么人。Mavis, I'm really sorry about your Ma. It must have been a terrible shock.梅维斯,我为你妈感到非常难过,这一定是个很大的打击。/The glass must have been cracked - it just fell to pieces in my hand.玻璃杯肯定有裂缝——到我手上就碎了。There must have been eight cars in the accident, all told.这次事故肯定总共涉及了八辆汽车。The body must have been decomposing for several weeks.那具尸体肯定已经腐烂好几个星期了。He must have been out of his mind to employ her.他要是雇用她,准是发疯了。Judging by the way they tucked into their dinner, they must have been very hungry.看他们晚餐时那种狼吞虎咽的样子,一定是饿坏了。Sorry – I must have been having a brainstorm.对不起,我一定是一时糊涂。You must have been scared stiff when you saw the car coming straight towards you.你看到汽车一直朝你开来,一定是吓呆了。I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer.她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的工作机会,我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。It must have been dreadful for you!你一定觉得很糟糕 !It must have been a very arduous task to build the pyramids.当时建造金字塔肯定是件万分艰巨的事。He must have been aware that my parents' marriage was breaking up.他一定已经知道我父母的婚姻即将破裂。Police say the robbery must have been planned.警方说这起抢劫案肯定早有预谋。Winning first place must have been quite a thrill.赢得第一名肯定让人非常激动。I must have been in a shocking state last night.昨晚我的情况一定很糟糕。The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。




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