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词汇 must not
例句 The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk.医生绝对不能置患者于危险境地而不顾。We must not lose sight of our goal. 我们时刻不能忘记我们的目标。We must not fall for such nonsense.我们决不能听信这种胡言乱语。You must not discriminate between people employed in the same firm.你对待同一公司的雇员不可厚此薄彼。Divers must not ascend too rapidly/quickly to the water's surface.潜水员一定不要过快升浮到水面。The central issue in your campaign must not be allowed to obscure the wider political issues.决不能让竞选中的中心议题模糊了更大的政治问题。These drawings must not be exposed to the air.这些画一定不能暴露在空气中。We must not falter in our resolve.我们决不能动摇决心。Security forces must not only act within the law, but must be seen to do so.安全部队不仅要依法办事,而且要让人知道他们是在依法办事。The publisher says this character must not die and the book should end on an upbeat.出版者说这个人物不能死,这本书应当以皆大欢喜为结局。Price changes must not adversely affect the living standards of the people.物价变动不应该对人们的生活水平产生不利影响。Shayler was warned that he must not publish the allegations.谢勒被警告说不可以公开这些指控。We do not ask for the death penalty: barbarism must not be met with barbarism.我们不要死刑:不能以野蛮对待野蛮。We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible.我们要想保持诚信可靠,就绝不能避忌武力的合法使用。Draught beer must not be kept long-term in the refrigerator.生啤不要在冰箱里放得太久。We must not put them in more danger than is needful.我们一定不能让他们处于不必要的危险中。The BBC must not seek to dumb down and compete with the bottom end of the market.英国广播公司绝不可放低身段去和市场底层的对手竞争。When you drive, you must not exceed the legal limit.你开车时不能超过法定的速度。The document must not at any price fall into enemy hands.无论付出什么代价,文件都不能落入敌手。We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。A referee must not be partial toward either team.裁判员不能偏向两支队伍中的任何一方。We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.我们不可以小看种族歧视的问题。The soil must not be overwatered, especially during the first few weeks.切忌土壤过涝,尤其在最初几周。Their crime must not be allowed to go unpunished.他们的罪行一定要受到惩罚。We must not be blind to the suffering of others.我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。We must not loiter or we will be late for school.我们不能闲逛,否则会迟到。You're better now, but you must not stir.你好多了,但还不能走动。Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.你不能让社交生活影响学业。The poker must not have been used, for it looked brand new.这根拨火棒一定没人用过,因为它看上去像新的一样。You must not burn yourself out in a blaze of energy.你可别一个劲儿地干,把自己累垮。We must not extenuate his behaviour.我们不应该为他的行为辩解。My host latched onto me at the door, saying I must not go yet.在门口主人拖住我,叫我再呆一会。A man must not presume to use his reasons, unless he has studied the categories, and can chop logic.一个人不能擅自运用推理,除非他学过哲学范畴,善于诡辩。You must not grieve at such trifles.你千万不要为这种小事难过。Judges must not show partiality during the competition.裁判不得在比赛中表现出偏袒。We must not pander to the irrational prejudices of a small minority.我们决不能迎合一小撮人荒唐的偏见。A railway line crosses the park so children must not be allowed to stray.有一条铁路横穿该公园,因此必须禁止小孩子在附近闲逛。Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatised.单亲家庭的孩子们不应该受到歧视。We must not flinch from difficult decisions.面对困难的抉择我们绝不能逃避。Houses must not be more than two storeys high.房子的高度不得超过两层。




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