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词汇 hidden
例句 The government has craftily put up all the hidden taxes.政府巧妙地提高了所有的隐性税收。He's always joking around to make sure his true feelings stay hidden.他总是到哪里都讲笑话,把自己的真实感情隐藏起来。He used to keep a collection of dirty books hidden under his bed.他以前有一批黄色书籍藏在床底下。She managed to arrange for them to be hidden in the house of a certain Father Boduen.她设法安排他们藏在一个叫博迪恩的神父家里。The paper was hidden beneath a pile of books.那张纸被压在了一堆书的下面。There is often a hidden agenda operating.这往往有幕后动机在操纵。He was wearing a hidden microphone.他身上有窃听器。Some cameras are so small they can be hidden in a reporter's baseball cap.有些摄像机很小,可以藏在记者的棒球帽里。The place had indeed the bareness that did not suggest hidden treasures.这地方的空无确实不会让人联想到任何暗藏的财宝。He tried to keep his intentions well hidden, but it doesn't take too long for people to tumble to him.他企图隐瞒他的意图,但没有多久人们就看穿了他。The ball was hidden among the leaves.球藏在树叶里。The hidden assailant leaped out at them.隐藏在暗处的袭击者突然扑向他们。The moon was hidden behind a veil of clouds.月亮躲在薄薄的云层后面。He was tricked into revealing the place where he had hidden the money.他受人哄骗,泄露了他藏钱的地方。The truth was hidden behind a smoke screen of lies.谎言掩盖了事实真相。On the face of it, it seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs.从表面上看这好像是便宜,但我肯定其中有些隐藏的费用。The police found the pistol hidden in the lavatory cistern.警察找到了藏在厕所水箱里的手枪。They put it to me that I knew where the money was hidden.他们向我指出,我一定知道钱藏在哪里。The half moon is hidden behind some wispy clouds.半轮月亮躲在淡淡的云彩之后。The journalist had hidden a camera in his bag.记者在他的包里藏了一架摄像机。There are many clues hidden among the archives of the local museum.许多线索隐藏在地方博物馆的档案中。It had been cleverly hidden under furniture.它曾被巧妙地隐藏在家具下面。Her eyes were very dark and yet seemed to be shot with hidden colours.她的眼睛黑亮,不过似乎也夹杂着其他不易发现的颜色。Thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away.数千件考古珍宝被藏了起来。I'm sure there's no hidden meaning in what he says.我肯定他的话没有言外之意。Is there a hidden agenda?有没有不可告人的动机?She took a sneak peek at the birthday presents hidden in the closet.她偷看了藏在壁橱里的生日礼物。The moon was hidden behind a thick cloud cover. 月亮隐没在厚厚的云层后面。They are the mysterious divinities hidden behind the tabernacle.他们是藏在神龛后面的神秘圣人。Customs officers had been tipped off that the drugs were hidden in a child's rucksack.海关官员已得到密报,知道毒品藏在小孩的背包里。Sometimes one partner suspects hidden meanings which were genuinely not intended.有时候伴侣的一方会胡乱猜想另一方的言外之意。His suggestions have a hidden purpose.他的建议有不可告人的目的。We ran down the road and past the house, which was now hidden in the darkness.我们顺着这条路往下跑,经过了当时还隐藏在黑暗中的房子。Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a baseball cap.一顶棒球帽裹住了她的满头金发。She had hidden reserves of courage.她内心蕴藏着勇气。The TV was discreetly hidden in a corner.电视机被谨慎地隐藏在角落里。Make sure there are no hidden hazards in your garden.要确保你的花园里没有暗藏的危险。FBI officers recorded the conversation by means of a tiny bug hidden in the phone.联邦调查局人员通过藏在电话里的微型窃听器录下了谈话。He's got a boodle hidden away somewhere.他有大量的钱藏在某个地方。Officials found the cocaine haul hidden in the wheels of the truck.官员们查获了一批藏在卡车轮子里的可卡因。




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