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词汇 sack
例句 If you are late again, the boss will give you the sack.如果你再迟到就会被老板解雇。He tumbled his clothes and books into a big sack.他把他的衣服和书胡乱装进一只大口袋。Daniel, I'm gonna sack out.丹尼尔,我要睡觉了。He's just some sad-sack writer trying to get a book published.他只是一个总想着要出本书,但永远成功不了的作家。Let me sack those groceries for you.我来帮你把那些杂货装进袋子里吧。All you need to tool up for the trip is a good, waterproof stuff sack.一个质量好的防水背囊是你唯一需要为这趟旅行所准备的。The toy is made of a balloon in a cloth sack that can be hit without busting.这件玩具是由一只汽球装在布袋里做成的,怎么打也不会打破。I went upstairs to sack out.我上楼睡觉去了。I bet he's still in the sack.我可以肯定他还在睡觉。He's still in the sack. Do you want me to wake him?他还没起床。要我去叫醒他吗?He had the good luck to work in an old family firm when nobody ever got the sack.他运气好,在一家古老的家族公司上班,那里从来没有人被解雇过。The power to sack employees resides in the Board of Directors.开除雇员的权力属于董事会。I bet she's great in the sack.我敢打赌她床上功夫一流。He just walked in and gave me the sack.他直接走进来把我解雇了。Hundreds of postal workers are facing the sack.数百名邮政系统员工面临解雇。She got the sack for always being late.因为总迟到,她被解雇了。The breaking point came when he had to sack his deputy Prime Minister.他万般无奈,不得不解除副总理的职务。His exposure left him facing the sack.由于东窗事发,他面临解雇。It's late - I'm going to sack out.不早了,我要上床睡觉了。He caught them in the sack together.他撞见他们俩睡在一起。I impatiently tumbled into my sack a conglomeration of books, clothes, matches, maps and insecticides.我急匆匆把书籍、衣服、火柴、地图、杀虫药等等一大堆东西统统扔进了麻袋。We can't really give him the sack just because he's unpopular.我们不能就因为他不讨人喜欢便真的开除他。He plunged his arm into the sack once more.他又一次迅速把胳膊伸进袋子里。She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.她受到不公正指控,说她偷盗钱财,随后即遭解雇。He's made a complete nonsense of the whole thing and got the sack.他把整个事情弄得一团糟后被解雇了。The company gave him the sack for improper conduct.公司把他开除了,因为他行为不当。He wants the power to sack incompetent teachers.他希望能有解雇不称职教师的权力。We peeled an entire sack of potatoes.我们把一整袋土豆都削了皮。I watched him heft the heavy sack onto his shoulder.我看着他把那个沉重的袋子扛到肩上。People who make mistakes can be given the sack the same day.一犯错误可能当天就会被开除。He pre-empted any decision to sack him.他预先阻止了所有解雇他的决定。Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack.弗朗西丝再次把她的衣服塞进了他们的小袋子里。He tied weights to the sack and hurled it into the river.他在袋子上系了些重物,然后把它丢到河里。He would sack any of his staff who fell short of his high standards.他会将没有达到他高标准的员工都开除掉。He slung the sack over his shoulder and set off.他把粗布袋子往肩上一甩就出发了。Reg picked up the sack and heaved it into the back of the truck.雷吉拎起大袋子,用力把它扔进了卡车后部。Clark thrust a paper sack across the counter and demanded money.克拉克把一只纸袋塞到柜台那一边,要求装钱。He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder.他把一袋粮食举上肩。He slapped a sack of cement down.他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。With one enormous heave he sent the sack flying through the air.他用力一抛,袋子飞向空中。




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