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词汇 run off
例句 You must run off now.The rain is coming.雨来了,你现在快走吧。We have to run off a few copies of the letter on the duplicating machine.我们必须用复印机把这封信复印几份。The radio can run off batteries.收音机可以靠电池播放。Most modern cars run off unleaded petrol.大部分现代轿车用的是无铅汽油。The dog always runs off when it gets half a chance.一有机会这只狗就逃跑。The carpenter slanted the roof to allow water to run off.木匠使屋顶倾斜以便泻水。Amy's husband had run off and left her with two children to bring up.埃米的丈夫遗弃了她,把两个孩子留给她抚养。James can just run off a poem for any occasion.詹姆斯能够就任何主题轻而易举地写出一首诗。The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains.这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。The staff have been run off their feet during the January sales.一月份促销期间员工们忙得脚打后脑勺。If you want to run off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to.如果你今天什么时候想复印的话,欢迎你来。They said Phil had run off with his wife's best friend.他们说菲尔与他妻子最好的朋友一起私奔了。She runs off with another man, and to add insult to injury demands huge sums in alimony.她跟另一个男人跑了,更糟的是还索要巨额赡养费。Kate can run off a sonnet in half an hour on any subject you like.只要你定好一个题材,凯特都能在半小时内信笔写出一首十四行诗。Would you please run off five copies of this letter?你能马上把这封信复印五份吗?It's not at all uncommon for older men to kick up their heels and run off with younger women.老男人放纵自己和年轻姑娘私奔并不罕见。The rainwater runs off the road into the ditch.雨水从路面上流进沟里。I was run off my foot with jobs to do.我有许多工作要做,忙得疲于奔命。I've actually run off almost half a stone.我实际上通过跑步减掉了将近半英石的体重。We are run off our feet trying to fill orders.我们为处理订单忙得不可开交。The machine runs off diesel fuel.这台机器用柴油运转。We could run off together, but neither of us wants to live the rest of our lives abroad.我们可以一起私奔,但是我俩都不想在国外度过余生。The final of the 100 metres will be run off tomorrow.百米决赛将于明天举行。You can't run off (home) now, just when I need you!你不能现在丢下我(回家),我正需要你!He could run off an article in an hour.他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。I'll run off a few more copies before the meeting.开会前我再印几份。The heater will run off mains gas or bottled gas.加热器用管道煤气或罐装煤气均可。Why did you run off like that? Was Joey nasty to you?你为什么逃得那么快?乔伊欺负你了吗?He could run off a five-page essay in an hour.他一个小时内就可以写出一篇五页的文章。I'll run off 100 copies.我将印出一百份。Keep the dog on the lead or he'll just run off.牵好狗,不然它就会跑掉的。You must first run off the water from the tank.首先必须把水从水槽中流掉。Somebody has run off with my wallet.有人偷走了我的钱夹。He had a tendency to run off at the mouth and come up with some pretty outlandish ideas.他总是喋喋不休,并时常冒出一些稀奇古怪的想法。The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off.洗池上刻有沟槽,以便水能流走。This channel allows rainwater to run off.这条水渠可以排走雨水。Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.我还没明白是怎么回事,那人已经抢了我的包跑掉了。All the sales assistants are run off their feet. The shop ought to take on more staff.营业员全都忙个不停,商店里应该增加人手。The last thing I'm going to do is run off with some-body's husband.我绝不可能和别人的丈夫私奔。




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