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词汇 ruin
例句 He had let the farm go to ruin.他任凭农场败落下去。Her drug addiction brought her to the brink of ruin.她的毒瘾使她走到了毁灭的边缘。Her drug addiction was her ruin.毒瘾是她堕落的根源。A knee injury threatened to ruin her Olympic hopes.膝伤可能使她参加奥运会的希望破灭。Even the realization of all his assets would not be enough to prevent financial ruin.即使变卖他所有的资产也无法使他免于破产。The vineyards were falling into ruin.这些葡萄园日渐破败。A single mistake could mean the ruin of a priceless treasure forever.一个错误就可能把一件无价之宝的价值永久毁掉。The house gradually fell into ruin.这栋房子渐渐破败不堪。It was those people who conspired my ruin.就是那些人共同谋划来毁掉我的。His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruin upon himself.他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.悲剧的结局常常是主角的死亡或彻底失败。One mistake could blow our agent's cover and ruin years of careful investigation.一个错误可能会暴露我们的特工身份,毁掉我们几年来周密的调查。All this mud is going to ruin my shoes.这些泥会毁了我的鞋。He provided against financial ruin by wise investment.他明智地投资以防破产。Drinking has been the ruin of her.酗酒毁了她。The house has gone to ruin through years of neglect.这所房子因年久失修而破败不堪。Drink was his father's ruin and it will be the ruin of him too!酗酒是他父亲毁灭的原因,他也将遭同样的厄运! His life was a charred ruin.他的一生彻底毁了。The country might plunge into the abyss of economic ruin.这个国家也许会陷入经济崩溃的危险境地。I hope the bad weather didn't ruin your vacation.但愿坏天气没有毁了你的假期。Don't let the house your grandfather built fall into ruin.不要让你祖父建造的房屋变得破败不堪。The house had been left to go to rack and ruin.房子已无人看管,日渐破败。The ruin of misspent years can't be undone.蹉跎岁月的损失无法弥补。You'll completely ruin the flowers if you touch them.如果你碰到这些花,你就会彻底毁了它们。The old house has gone to rack and ruin. 这所老房子已经破烂不堪了。There's only the mountain in this direction, and higher up an old ruin, an abandoned castle.从这个方向望去只看得到这座山,以及更高处的一处废墟,一座废弃的城堡。All this mud's going to ruin my shoes.这泥巴会把我的鞋弄坏。Smoking can really ruin a person's sense of smell.抽烟真能损坏一个人的嗅觉。Why ruin a perfectly good story?为什么要毁掉这么一个完美的故事?I didn't have the heart to ruin their holiday.我不忍心毁了他们的假期。Their tenants had let the property go to rack and ruin.房客把他们的房子搞得破败不堪。He was gloating over the ruin of his rival.他幸灾乐祸地看著他的对手身败名裂。Protestors say that the proposed new airport will ruin this peaceful area.抗议者说拟建中的新机场会破坏这一地区的宁静。A single flaw is the ruin of a diamond.一点瑕疵会断送一粒钻石。Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation.坏天气和汽车故障凑在一起毁了我们的休假。My illness and the bad weather conspired to ruin my vacation.生病和坏天气凑在一起毁了我的假期。His failure in stock speculation precipitated his ruin.证券投机的失败使他一下子破了产。 The continuance of this drought will ruin the harvest.旱灾持续下去会把庄稼毁掉。The incident threatens to ruin his chances in the election.这件事威胁到他在竞选中获胜的机会。His greed for money was his ruin.他对金钱的贪得无厌是他毁灭的原因。




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