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词汇 status
例句 The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status.这个城市不切实际地标榜自己为国际都市。The book quickly achieved best-seller status. 这本书很快就成了畅销书。He does not qualify for refugee status.他不符合难民资格。We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctors.我们需要提高医生的工资和地位。Applicants should have a degree or a qualification of equal status.申请人应该具有大学学位或同等学历的资格证明。The teaching profession has a low status in this country.教师这一行在这个国家地位极低。You can apply for partnership status after two years.两年后你可以申请同性伴侣关系。The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status.这些广告帮助耐克公司成就了其偶像地位。The award confirmed her status as one of the great movie actresses.这一奖项奠定了她作为杰出的女影星之一的地位。Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status.别把你的上司捧得跟超级巨星似的。He refused to accept a job of inferior status.他拒绝接受职位低的工作。We are making steady progress towards equal status for men and women.我们在实现男女平等的问题上取得了稳步的进展。She took care to advertise her married status by flashing her ring in everyone's face.她把戒指在每个人面前晃来晃去,生怕大家不知道她已经结婚。The actor James Dean acquired the status of a cult hero.演员詹姆斯·迪安成了人们崇拜的偶像。Politicians usually attract younger women, dare I say it, because of the status they have in society.恕我直言,由于政客的社会地位,他们通常容易吸引一些年轻的女性。Until I reached this exalted status, I would remain a junior doctor.在升到这个高级职位之前,我一直是个初级医生。Churches seem to have lost some of their status.教会的地位似乎有所下降。Germany's strong industrial base has helped maintain its status as a major world power.德国强大的工业基础有助于保持其世界主要强国的地位。The residents are seeking landmark status for the building.居民们正在为大楼争取地标身份。There are many people who wish to maintain the status quo.有很多人想要维持现状。His energy and talent elevate him to godlike status.他因精力充沛、才华横溢而被尊为神人。He wants to improve his status in the community.他想提高自己在社区的地位。A lot of people were not happy with the status quo.许多人对当时的状况不满。The relative status of the speakers affects what language is used.说话者的相对地位影响到使用哪种语言。The country was granted observer status at the summit.该国获得高峰会议的观察员身份。His appearance on TV earned him quasi-celebrity status.在电视上的露面为他赢得了准名人的身份。She applied for resident status but was turned down.她申请居民身份,但没有获得批准。Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.自由职业者没有与雇员同样的福利。The latest mobile phones have become status symbols among teenagers.在青少年中间,最新款的手机已成为身份的象征。There has been an increase in applications for refugee status.越来越多的人申请难民身份。The personal allowance depends on your age and marital status.个人免税额的多少取决于年龄和婚姻状况。Four of the regions were upgraded to the status of republic.其中四个地区被升格为共和国。The CEO consulted with the project's steering committee and asked for a status report.首席执行官咨询了这个项目的指导委员会,并且要了一份情况报告。A stressful job can actually be a status symbol.一份有压力的工作其实可以看成是地位的象征。He achieved celebrity status through his role in a popular sitcom.他因参演一部热门情景喜剧而成名。His mother was catty, status-conscious and loud.她母亲为人刻薄,势利眼,嗓门又大。The goal is to return as closely as possible to the status quo ante.目标是尽可能地回到过去的状态。A mobile telephone is a more affordable status symbol than a BMW.与宝马车相比,一部手机是人们更能负担得起的身份象征。They want to maintain the city's status as a major tourist attraction.他们想保持这座城市作为重要旅游胜地的地位。He has achieved iconic status in the movie business.他已是电影界的偶像级人物。




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