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词汇 statistics
例句 A lot can be inferred from these statistics.根据这些统计资料可以推断出很多事情。They have gathered the best statistics they can find and run them through their own computers.他们已经尽力搜集了数据,并将它们输入了自己的计算机。The statistics show that male violence against women is widespread.数据显示,男性对女性的暴力普遍存在。These statistics testify that the program is working.这些数据可以证明这个程序正在发挥作用。Chris rattled off some statistics about the teams.克里斯马上背出了那些球队的一些数据。The point is brought home in yesterday's detailed statistics.昨天公布的详尽统计资料清楚地说明了这一点。These statistics give a misleading impression of what is happening to the economy.这些统计数据让人对目前的经济状况产生错误的印象。The statistics reflect a change in people's spending habits.这些统计数据显示出人们的消费习惯发生了变化。His strategy is to ignore inconvenient statistics.他的策略是忽略麻烦的统计数据。Graduate students in sociology are required to take statistics as a tool subject.社会学研究生必须学习统计学作为工具课程。We begin with a brief and necessarily incomplete review of UK statistics.我们先简要地回顾一下英国的统计数字,当然并不全面。These are the first police accident statistics to be released.这些是首次公布的警方事故统计数据。Mr Meacher quoted statistics saying that the standard of living of the poorest people had fallen.米彻先生援引统计数据来说明最贫困人口的生活水平下降了。These statistics paint a clear picture of how the population is aging.这些统计数据清晰地展现了人口老龄化的过程。There followed several pages of incomprehensible statistics.接下来是数页难懂的统计资料。You only have to look at the statistics to see that things are getting worse.你只要看一看统计数据就能知道情况在变糟。The statistics show a clear link between social class and crime.统计数字明确显示了社会阶层与犯罪之间的关系。These statistics show the total inadequacy of the present oil reserves.这些统计数据表明目前的油量储备不足。Surprisingly, police statistics show that many of these thefts were carried out by people from well-to-do families.令人吃惊的是,警方的统计显示这些偷窃行为有许多是出身富有的人干的。Official statistics underestimate the actual level of crime.官方统计低估了实际的犯罪水平。He has all the latest statistics at his fingertips.他手边有所有最新的数据。Our survey will produce the essential statistics. In addition, it will provide information about people's shopping habits.我们的调查将得出基本的统计资料,此外还能提供有关人们购物习惯方面的信息。The census constitutes the principal source of official statistics.人口普查是官方统计数字的主要来源。The degree provides a thorough grounding in mathematics and statistics.这一学位课程为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。The organization publishes a digest of statistics.该组织出版一份统计数据摘要。It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.不了解这些统计数字是怎样得来的就难以理解它们。The figures and statistics are used for the prediction of future economic trends.这些数据和统计被用于预测未来经济走势。Surely these statistics give grounds for optimism.当然,这些统计数据提供了乐观的理由。A detailed examination of population statistics reveals a steady decline in the birth rate.对人口统计数据所作的详细研究显示,出生率在稳步下降。The statistics beggar belief.统计数据让人难以置信。Specialized software adds up the statistics.专用软件把统计数据加起来。We have some statistics, but we really need something more definite before we can make any firm decisions.我们手头虽然有些数据,但是还需要一些更确凿的材料才能够作出明确的决定。The raw statistics tell us nothing about the underlying trends.从原始统计数据完全看不出潜在趋势。We got the statistics we needed through his good offices.我们透过他的帮助弄到了所需的统计资料。The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对派领导人指责政府部长篡改统计数据以满足自身利益。The statistics don't reveal of course unrecorded crime.这项统计数据显然没有披露未登记的罪案。The statistics do not paint an optimistic picture.统计数字显得不甚乐观。The students are well-trained in both the theory and practice of statistics.学生们在统计学理论和实践方面都接受了良好的训练。How reliable are these statistics?这些统计数字的可靠性如何?She peppered the report with statistics.她在报告里加入了大量的统计数据。




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