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词汇 royal family
例句 The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations.王族家庭由国王,王后以及他们的亲属组成。I can honestly say that I have no interest whatsoever in the royal family.我可以坦率地说我对皇室毫无兴趣。He spun a yarn about his friendship with the royal family.他胡诌了一通他与王室之间友情的故事。Rasputin was killed by men who were jealous of his influence with the Russian royal family.有些人妒忌拉斯普廷对沙俄皇室深具影响力,因而把他杀死。He claims to be distantly related to the British royal family.他声称自己与英国王室是远亲。They are proud of their connection to the royal family.他们以与王室沾亲而自豪。Few of the Western democracies still have a royal family.西方民主国家鲜有保留皇室者。British newspapers no longer feel they must treat the royal family with discretion.英国报界不再觉得他们非得审慎对待王室不可了。The royal family tried to insulate him from the prying eyes of the media.王室想使他避开媒体窥视的目光。The royal family has lost its mystique.王室已经失去了其神秘性。Every royal family in the world has its own regalia.在世界上的每一个皇室家族都有他们自己的饰物及徽章。The presence of members of the royal family lent a certain dignity to the ceremony.王室成员的出席为这场典礼增添了一种庄严的气氛。The royal family lives in state.王室过着豪华的生活。We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy.我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。It is now accepted that a member of the royal family can marry a commoner.皇室成员和平民通婚现在已经被接受了。Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。The royal family has an inherently political role.王室的政治角色是与生俱来的。The Queen is accustomed to controversy about the royal family.女王已经习惯了关于王室的争议。Carlo has an absolute fixation with the royal family.卡洛对皇室有一种固执的偏爱。Journalists are switching their attention to other members of the royal family.新闻记者们正在把注意力转移到皇室家族的其他成员身上。They are somehow connected to the royal family. 他们与王室沾亲带故。The royal family of England has been quite sufficiently biographized.为英国王室写的传记已经够多的了。She made some disparaging remarks about the royal family.她说了些贬低王室的话。Tomorrow's edition will include a centre spread on the Spanish royal family.明天的报纸将会包含一个中间跨页,专门介绍西班牙皇室。




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