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词汇 rows
例句 Our rows become unhealthy in the extreme.我们的争吵变得极其有害。When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划分出行来。He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.他扫了一眼占满了巨大工作区的一排排柜子。The street ran between rows of dingy terraced houses.街道两旁是肮脏的连排房屋。They lived in tight rows of wooden houses, and fire was a constant dread.他们居住在鳞次栉比的木屋中,时常担心发生火灾。The rows of graves were a mute reminder of the effects of war.这一排排坟墓无声地提醒人们战争所带来的后果。The rows of seats are laid out with a very steep rake.座位排成很陡的斜角。She has six more rows to knit.她还有六行要织。The desks are arranged in six rows.书桌被摆成了六排。We had terrible rows, but it made no difference.我们有过激烈的争吵,但这没有什么影响。The little children sat in rows in the freezing classroom.小孩子在冰冷的教室里排排坐着。!Kelvin and his wife have endless rows over money.凯尔文和妻子不断地为钱的事吵架。Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows.他们的车一排排井然有序地停放着。He described in chilling detail how he attacked her during one of their frequent rows.他绘声绘色地描述他们又一次吵架的时候,他是如何痛揍她的,让人听得胆战心惊。The town of Rockport is full of rows of white clapboard houses.罗克波特镇到处是一排排装有白色护墙板的房子。The weight of the cathedral roof is carried by two rows of pillars.大教堂的屋顶重量由两排柱子支撑。The tools were arranged in orderly rows.工具被整齐地摆成几排。The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows.高级将领整齐有序地在他身后站成几排。Hospitals always seem so impersonal - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.医院看上去总是很没有人情味——灰暗的房间中都是一排排一模一样的病床。The animal opened its mouth, exposing rows of sharp white teeth.那动物张开嘴露出两排白森森的尖利牙齿。The cards need to be laid out in two rows.这些卡片需要排成两行。His voice reached the last rows.他的声音传到最后几排。Work ten rows in garter stitch.织十行平针。Oxford rows Cambridge every year.牛津大学和剑桥大学每年进行划船比赛。She arranged the chairs in two neat rows.她把椅子排成整齐的两排。Baxter walked between the rows of chairs.巴克斯特在一排排椅子间穿行。Support rows of beans with criss-crossed canes.用交错的小竹竿架起一排排的豆荚。The corn is planted in parallel rows.玉米平行种植在田地里。The children stood in neat rows, smartly dressed in school uniform.孩子们身穿整洁的校服,整齐地站成一行一行的。I am far too inhibited to have rows with people.我性格太拘谨,连和人吵架都不会。Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters.大厅里一排排座位均用字母编号。They walled the garden in with rows of thick shrubs.他们用一排排茂密的灌木丛围住了花园。The tiny cottages had been built in long rows.小屋一长排一长排地排列着。!There were always rows when my dad got home.我父亲回到家里总要吵架。Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table.朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。He saw the rows of fine, old granite buildings.他看到一排排古老而精美的花岗岩建筑。There were rows of poles supporting young bean plants.一排排支杆支撑着幼小的豆苗。Autumn-sown peas are not heavy croppers so it is worth planting two rows.秋播的豌豆不是高产作物,所以最好种两行。Her smile broadened to reveal two rows of brown stumps.她微笑时露出两排褐色牙根。




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