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词汇 roll down
例句 He rolled down his window and stuck his face out.他摇下车窗,把头探了出去。She rolled down the window a little to clear the mist on the glass.她把车窗摇下来一点,以便去除玻璃上的水汽。The children rolled down the hill.孩子们滚下了山坡。Lucy's tears rolled down her face.露西的眼泪从她的脸上滚了下来。The wagon gathered/gained momentum as it rolled down the hill.下山时,马车越跑越快。The car gathered momentum as it rolled down the hill.汽车冲下山时动量逐渐增加。A tear rolled down his cheek.一滴泪水顺着他的脸颊滚下。She rolled down the car window.她摇下了车窗。The children rolled down the hill, laughing.孩子们笑着从山坡上滚下来。The ball rolled down the hill and into the drink.球滚下山坡掉进了池塘。Large drops of sweat rolled down her face.大颗大颗的汗珠从她脸上滚落下来。Leave the car in gear so it won't roll down the hill.把汽车挂上挡,别让它溜下山坡。The little boat rolled down the river,with the wind behind it.小船借着风在后面的推动,顺流而下。Can you roll down the car window?你能把车窗摇下来吗?He rolled down his sleeves and buttoned the cuffs.他捋下袖子,扣上袖口的纽扣。The stone rolled down the hill by gravity.石头在重力作用下向山下滚去。Without warning, tears began to roll down his cheeks.突然间,眼泪顺着他的面颊滚滚而下。The logs rolled down the river.原木随着河水顺流而下。Her bottom lip quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.她的下唇颤抖着,豆大的泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。Rain drops rolled down the window.雨滴沿着窗户滚落下来。Tears began to roll down her cheeks.眼泪开始顺着她的脸颊往下流。!The children rolled down the grassy bank.孩子们沿着长满草的斜坡滚下。The hills roll down to the sea.高低起伏的山丘一直绵延至大海。She looked at Ginny and tears rolled down her cheeks.她看着金尼,泪水滑落脸庞。I rolled down the window to ask for directions.我摇下车窗问路。A big rock rolled down and he only just escaped being hit.一块大石头滚了下来,差点儿砸着他。In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters.下午三时左右,店主们开始放下百叶窗。He rolled down his sleeves.他把袖子放下来。A black car rolled down the hill.一辆黑色汽车从山坡上翻滚下来。The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.卡车沿著陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。The wheel was allowed to roll down the slope, gathering momentum as it went.那轮子沿着斜坡向下滚动,速度越来越快。The tears escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.眼泪夺眶而出,滚下她的脸颊。The ball rolled down the hill and came to rest against a tree.球滚下山,撞在一棵树上停了下来。The engine puffed a huge cloud of steam, then rolled down the tracks.火车头喷出一大股水蒸气,沿着轨道开始移动。Rocks and boulders rolled down the slopes of the crater.岩石和大石块顺着火山口外的斜坡滚落下来。Great rocks rolled down the mountainside.巨大的岩石顺着山坡滚落下来。As children, we loved to roll down that hill.我们小时候喜欢从那座小土丘上滚下来。He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter.他用带钩的杆子把金属百叶窗拉了下来。When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg.我小时候从一座山坡上滚了下来,把腿摔断了。Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform.他的制服裤子在不停地滴水。




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