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词汇 roles
例句 She challenged the traditional roles assigned to women.她对妇女被赋予的传统角色提出了挑战。I started as a walk-on, and later played principal roles.刚开始我跑跑龙套,后来演上了主角。Both sides have roles to play.双方都各有自己的角色。In a reversal of roles, he is now taking care of his mother.角色发生了反转,现在他在照顾他母亲。She has a good handful of Hollywood roles under her belt.她取得了好几个好莱坞角色。Conflicts can often stem from ill-defined roles.冲突可能往往是因职责不明确而产生的。He filled several governmental roles.他担任过几个政府官职。Stoppard had to recast four of the principal roles.斯托帕德不得不重换四位主演。As one of Hollywood's most successful actors, he's now in a position to carefully pick and choose his roles.作为好莱坞最成功的演员之一,他现在可以精心挑选自己要演的角色。Lee began to get big roles in movies.李开始在电影中担任重要角色。Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles.男性和女性同样受到传统性别角色的束缚。Both actors have the stylish self-confidence needed to carry off these roles.两位演员都具有演好这些角色所需的优雅的自信。As an actress she has graduated from small roles to more substantial parts.作为演员,她从配角演起,慢慢地演出比较重要的角色。The book reexamines traditional family roles.这本书重新审视了家庭成员的传统角色。She has an old-fashioned view of women's roles in society. 她对女性在社会中的角色还是持老观念。She's fantastic in serious roles, but she also knows how to play for laughs.她扮演严肃角色棒极了,但她也知道如何搞笑。Heredity had thrust our roles on us from the off.遗传性从我们呱呱坠地起就给我们在生活中所扮演的角色定了型。He's been typecast as a villain, so he's seldom offered challenging roles.他已经被定型为反面角色,所以他很难得到具有挑战性的角色。The former child actor has finally graduated to more serious roles.这位从前的儿童演员终于转型饰演严肃一些的角色了。Changing men's and women's traditional roles is not easy, but in our case it has been helpful.改变男女的传统角色并不容易,但就我们的情况来说,这种转变却很有帮助。The roles of Vladimir and Estragon were played by Paul Whitworth and Ken Grantham.弗拉基米尔和埃斯特拉贡分别由保罗·惠特沃斯和肯·格兰瑟姆饰演。Garcia says there are no small roles, only small actors.加西亚说没有小角色,只有小演员。They switched places/positions/roles/sides.他们互换了位置/职位/角色/场地。We'll switch/reverse roles this time, and you can wash the dishes while I dry them.这次我们将调换职责,你来洗盘子而我负责把它们擦干。Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.广告倾向于以非常传统的角色来表现女性。After the students have finished, have them exchange roles and repeat the procedure.等学生完成后,让他们换一换角色再把整个步骤重复一遍。He is preeminent in Shakespearian roles.他扮演莎士比亚剧中人物极为出色。I don't want any more ingenue roles.我不想再演天真少女的角色了。Her looks played a crucial part in getting the best roles.她的相貌为其获演最好的角色发挥了决定性的作用。Such roles are small beer compared with the fame she once enjoyed.和她曾经享有的名气相比,这样的角色真的算不了什么。Robert De Niro has been a faithful exponent of "the Method", immersing himself totally in his roles and gaining and losing whatever weight has been necessary to convey the character.罗伯特‧德‧尼罗是演技派的忠实代表,将自己完全的溶入到角色中。他为了饰演好自己的角色而不惜增肥和减肥是众所周知的。In many societies, young people are formally initiated into their adult roles.在很多社会里,年轻人经过正式仪式才算成年。Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.我们身为孩子和监护人的角色现在对换了。Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters, probably his superior in comic roles.在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。Many women reject the traditional female roles of wife and mother.许多妇女拒绝为人妻母的传统女性角色。She's done all the important Shakespearean roles except for Lady Macbeth.她扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中除麦克白夫人以外的所有重要角色。Traditional gender roles are reversed in their household.传统的性别角色在他们家里颠倒了过来。We will meet with them to determine individual roles.我们将与他们会面,以确定各人的职责。I didn't want to be typecast and I think I've maintained a large variety in the roles I've played.我不想老是扮演同一类型的角色,我认为自己塑造的形象已经保持了相当的多样性。School heads perceive their roles in different ways.学校领导对他们的角色有不同的理解。




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