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词汇 children
例句 It's hard to manage your children and do the shopping.一边要管住孩子一边要购物很难。The children are always hungry when they get home from school.孩子们放学回家时总是饥肠辘辘的。A bell rang and the children trooped back into the school.钟声响了,孩子们成群结队地走回学校。Babysitting is money for old rope if the children don't wake up.如果小孩不醒,看孩子是很容易赚钱的活儿。She has four children, well-spaced.她不疏不密地生了四个孩子。She taught children French.她教孩子们学法语。When parents split up the real losers are the children.父母离异时真正的受害者是孩子。They take the children to school by car.他们开车送孩子上学。Under the existing conditions many children are going hungry.在目前情况下,会有很多儿童忍饥挨饿。The children were floating toy boats on the pond.孩子们正把玩具船放在池塘里漂着玩。Young children become quickly bored by adult conversation.小孩子对大人的谈话很快就会厌倦。Studies say exposure to loud continuous noise can cause learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.研究显示,持续的吵闹噪音可以导致儿童发生学习障碍和行为问题。The children thought the idea a whole lot of fun.孩子们觉得这想法非常有趣。All children must line up when the whistle goes.口哨声响起时所有的孩子必须排好队。The man was arrested for his seducement of children into using drugs.这个男人因为教唆儿童用毒品而被逮捕。I've sent photos of the children to both sets of grandparents.我将孩子的照片给孩子的祖父母和外祖父母都寄去了。The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were nebulous.我们孩提时对外面大千世界所能形成的概念是一片模糊的。Work was an important factor in shaping their children's attitudes.工作在培养他们孩子的态度过程中是一个非常重要的因素。I think that children should be taught about different religions. 我认为应该让孩子了解各种不同的宗教。Charles is haunted by ghostly children.孩子们的幽灵缠上了查尔斯。The children played happily in the sand.孩子们在沙地里快乐地玩耍。The rate at which children acquire language varies greatly.孩子习得语言的速度差异很大。The children were wearing traditional Norwegian dress.孩子们穿着挪威传统服装。These mothers often abandoned their children because of fear of scandal.这些母亲经常会因为害怕流言蜚语而抛弃自己的孩子。Small children are prey to all sorts of fears.幼童深受各种恐惧的折磨。Some children will bite and kick when they get angry.有些孩子生气时会又咬又踢。Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.和受到这么大伤害的儿童打交道需要非常讲究方法,也需要非常细心周到。Parents should bear responsibility for their children's bad conduct.父母应对子女的不良品行承担责任。Divorce is an agony of divided loyalties for children.父母离婚使孩子面对左右为难的痛苦。My two children always turn up their noses at vegetables.我的两个孩子总是不喜欢吃蔬菜。I was hungry, and, more importantly, my children were hungry.我很饿,更重要的是,我的孩子们很饿。The children ranged themselves around the teacher's chair to listen to the story.孩子们围在老师的椅子旁听故事。A high proportion of women with children under five work full-time.很大一部分有孩子不到五岁的妇女在做全职工作。I often see her walking past with the children on the way to school.我上学途中经常看到她带着孩子经过。School is closed for the summer and children are on vacation.学校夏天关闭,孩子们放假。A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves.明智的家长鼓励自己的孩子在许多事情上自己作决定。The other children made cruel gibes about her weight.其他孩子对她的体重大加嘲笑。He was forced to leave the country, leaving behind his wife and children.他被迫撇下妻儿离开了那个国家。Some children are never exposed to classical music.有些孩子从来没有接触过古典音乐。The children all wanted to know what life was like in the olden days.孩子们都想知道从前的生活是怎样的。




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