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词汇 Children
例句 Children love crunchy breakfast cereals and they're full of vitamins too.儿童喜欢吃脆脆的谷物早餐,维生素也多。Children are inveterate interrogators.孩子们就爱穷根究底问个没完。Children have several advantages over adults when it comes to learning another language.学习其他语言的时候,儿童比成人有更多优势。Children can be very cruel to each other.小孩相互之间会很残忍。Children are easily discouraged from reading.小孩子阅读很容易气馁。Children's play prepares them for adulthood.游戏让儿童更好地步入成人世界。Children's rights, marriage-law reform, all are grist to his mill.儿童权利和婚姻法改革都是对他有利的。She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.她代表拯救儿童基金会接受了捐赠。Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.孩子们可能被迫在农场劳作,这事实上剥夺了他们受教育的权利。Children should not be encouraged to graze on sweets.不应该鼓励孩子们去吃糖果之类的零食。Children can be very difficult at this age. Don't worry – it'll soon pass.孩子们到了这个年龄会很难管束。别担心,很快就会过去的。Children will quickly test their toys to destruction.孩子们很快就会把玩具弄坏。Children are usually more buoyant than adults.孩子往往比成年人快乐。Children need a lot of reassurance.孩子们需要很多安慰。Children are born with a spirit of enquiry.孩子天生好问。Children learn by observation.孩子们通过观察进行学习。Children need to be educated about the way that diet and health interrelate.应该教育儿童懂得饮食和健康是如何相互关联的。Children can be amazingly perceptive about adults' moods.孩子们如此善于察觉大人的情绪,真是令人称奇。Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.儿童在学习语言过程中会找出各种规律和规则。Children of parents affected by post-traumatic stress disorder can become angry, depressed, and show somatic symptoms such as stomach aches or headaches.患有创伤后精神紧张性障碍的父母,他们的孩子可能会变得愤怒、抑郁并表现出其他身体症状如腹痛和头痛等。Children learn by example.孩子们仿效榜样。Children were playing outside in the street.孩子们在外面街上玩。Children can be very unkind.小孩子有时会很不友善。Children can sometimes be very cruel.小孩子有时候会很残忍。Children in small classes are several months ahead in reading.小班的孩子们提前几个月就开始阅读。Children of his age group don't usually verbalize at this stage.他这一年龄组的儿童在这一阶段通常不会用言语表达自己。Children were flying kites in the park.孩子们在公园里放风筝。Children should be encouraged to take up outside interests, such as music or sport.应该鼓励儿童去培养自己的课外爱好,比如音乐或体育。Children were queuing at the drinking fountain.孩子们在喷泉式饮水器前面排队。Children show a real thirst for learning.孩子们对于学习表现出真诚的渴望。Children may not leave the building without the authorization of the principal.没有校长的许可,小孩子不能离开这幢楼。Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.不应让能力非常差的孩子放松对理科课程的学习。Children who talk back are regarded as disrespectful.顶嘴的孩子被认为是放肆无礼,对人不尊敬。Children can feel real grief at the loss of a pet.小孩子会为失去宠物而十分悲伤。Children clutching empty bowls formed a line.紧紧抓着空碗的孩子们排成了一队。Children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts.孩子们在欢笑声和喊叫声中换教室。Children need to be taught to have respect for other people's property.应该教育孩子尊重他人的财产。Children grow up so quickly!孩子们长得可真快!Children must be taught to cross the road safely.必须教会孩子安全过马路。Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit.家庭内稳定的关系对孩子们有益。




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