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词汇 Robert
例句 During his parents’ divorce, Robert began acting up in class.父母闹离婚那阵子,罗伯特就开始在班上捣乱。Robert, would you be so kind as to shut the door for me?罗伯特,能请你帮我关一下门吗?Our special guest on the programme tonight is Robert de Niro.今晚我们节目请到的特邀嘉宾是罗伯特.德尼罗。Robert was playing around with another woman.罗伯特和另一个女人乱搞。Robert was polishing up some old silver candlesticks.罗伯特在擦拭一些旧的银质烛台。Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet.罗伯特·彭斯是苏格兰最受尊崇的诗人。She was scared witless of Robert, and I wondered why.她把罗伯特吓坏了,我想知道为什么。Robert was looking at me triumphantly.罗伯特正得意洋洋地看著我。He would be very foolish to risk a confrontation with Robert.他要是冒着与罗伯特对抗的危险,那可就太傻了。Robert Altman's new film goes on release this weekend.罗伯特·奥特曼的新影片将于本周末公映。Robert De Niro has been a faithful exponent of "the Method", immersing himself totally in his roles and gaining and losing whatever weight has been necessary to convey the character.罗伯特‧德‧尼罗是演技派的忠实代表,将自己完全的溶入到角色中。他为了饰演好自己的角色而不惜增肥和减肥是众所周知的。Sir Robert was a strong and vigorous politician. 罗伯特爵士是位坚定而又充满热情的政治家。The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.这家人批评军方对罗伯特的死处理不当。The film, starring Robert Carlyle, has yet to open in the Far East.由罗伯特·卡莱尔主演的电影尚未在远东上映。Robert is secretive and David is candid.罗伯特为人深藏不露,戴维却是有啥说啥。Robert summoned the waiter for the bill.罗伯特召唤侍应生结账。It was two days before the baby was due, and Robert was at his wits’ end.孩子还有两天就要出生了,罗伯特茫然不知所措。Robert's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years.罗伯特所收藏的印刷品与画作是在过去几年间购买的。Robert is commonly called Rob.罗伯特通常唤做罗伯。Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship.罗伯特推荐他儿子替补空缺的董事职位。Imagine Robert Redford when he was young - that's what John looks like.想象一下罗伯特‧雷德福年轻时的样子——那就是约翰的模样。I know Mr. Robert by sight but we have never spoken.我跟罗伯特先生只是面熟,但从来没有交谈过。Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.罗伯特很想谈谈部队生活。She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York.当罗伯特说他就要来纽约的时候,她有点吃惊。I have no animus towards Robert. 我对罗伯特并没有敌意。Ever since I married Robert's ex-girlfriend, he's been my arch-enemy.自从我娶了罗伯特的前任女友后,他就成了我的头号敌人。Robert had stuffed half a cinnamon bun in his mouth and couldn’t say a word.罗伯特把半个桂皮味圆面包塞在嘴里,说不出话来。The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost poem.以上引用的文字出自罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一首诗。Robert grew heated as he spoke of the risks.谈到这些风险时,罗伯特变得越来越激动。I was in the middle of typing when Robert rang. It was infuriating!我正在打字的时候罗伯特来电话。真叫人生气!Robert shook his head in despair.罗伯特绝望地摇了摇头。Robert's grandfather was given the baronetcy after the war.战后,罗伯特的祖父被授予准男爵爵位。Robert was the only one among them who had ever ridden a horse.罗伯特是他们当中唯一骑过马的人。His poetry evokes/invites comparison with the work of Robert Frost.他的诗让人联想到罗伯特·弗罗斯特的作品。Robert arrived at the party with a leggy brunette.罗伯特带了一个长着深褐色头发的长腿女郎来参加聚会。Robert was shocked almost to dumbness.罗伯特被惊得哑口无言。Robert Burns was a great Scottish poet.罗伯特·彭斯是一位伟大的苏格兰诗人。Robert had an accident in the lab. He was opening a bottle of acid and he spilt some on his hands.罗伯特在实验室里出了事故,他在打开一瓶酸的时候,洒了一些在手上。On Tuesday, a judge rejected requests to televise the murder trial of Robert Caine.星期二,一位法官驳回了对罗伯特·凯恩杀人案审判电视直播的请求。John was president of the club, but behind the scenes Robert told him what to do.约翰是俱乐部的主席,但在幕后指挥他的是罗伯特。




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