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词汇 rivals
例句 He was the target of a whispering campaign started by his political rivals.他是政敌造谣诽谤的目标。Companies replace managers who underperform relative to their rivals.公司会撤换那些表现不如对手的经理人。Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters, probably his superior in comic roles.在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。He has a decisive majority over his main rivals.他以明显的多数票赢了他的主要竞争对手。If our rivals are spending more on advertising, we'll have to follow the same course.如果对手增加广告投入,我们也只得奉陪。He wasn't guilty of the fraud. He'd been set up by his business rivals.他没有诈骗,是被商业对手陷害的。By the end of the war, the warlord had established total supremacy over all his rivals.战争结束前,这个军阀已确立了凌驾于所有对手之上的绝对优势。He cut his prices to drive out rivals.他降低价格以逼退竞争对手。The hotel has an outdoor area that rivals any Las Vegas hotel.这家旅馆有一个户外区域,可与拉斯维加斯的任何一家旅馆媲美。There are plenty of young rivals to take his place if he stumbles.如果他出了差错,有许多年轻的竞争对手会取而代之。The Museum has antagonised rivals by outbidding them for the world's greatest art treasures.该博物馆为这些世界上最伟大的艺术瑰宝开出了更高价格,惹恼了竞争对手。She has no rivals for the job.没有任何对手和她争这份工作。They inflicted a humiliating defeat on their rivals.他们令对手遭受了屈辱性的失败。The company proved to be the equal of its US rivals.该公司证明可与其美国竞争对手相抗衡。He has made common cause with political rivals to defeat the proposed new law.他与政敌联手反对新法案的通过。Big supermarkets can undercut all rivals, especially small family-owned shops.大型超市售价可以低于所有竞争对手,尤其是那些商业街上的小店铺。He delivered a knockout blow to all of his rivals.他打昏了所有的对手。The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come.在未来几年中,日本的经济将继续超过其国外竞争对手。He soon hit top speed to outgun all his rivals in the opening qualifying session.他在首场资格赛中很快便跑出最快速度,击败了所有对手。They were political rivals who truly/bitterly hated each other.他们是政敌,彼此十分仇恨。They're old political rivals.他们是政坛上的老对手。This small restaurant rivals any that you will find in the city.这家小餐厅与城里的任何一家相比都不差。Delay might open a window of opportunity for their rivals.延期也许会给他们的对手带来可乘之机。The team's win, coupled with a loss by their rivals, put them in first place.球队获胜,加之其他对手失利,使他们排在第一位。The movie is about a gangster who gets power by offing his rivals.这部影片演的是一个匪徒通过谋杀对手夺权的故事。The team saw off their old rivals in last night's championship game.这支球队在昨晚的冠军争夺赛上击败了他们的老对手。We were losing customers to cheaper rivals.我们的客户被出价更低的竞争对手抢去了。The senator was decisively defeated by his rivals.这位参议员被对手彻底击败。The team suffered defeat at the hands of their oldest rivals.这个队败在老对手的手下。He swore that he would break his rivals/competitors.他发誓要打败对手/竞争者。This system has outlasted many of its rivals.这一系统比许多与之竞争的系统耐用。Those two have been friendly rivals since they first met.那两人从第一次见面就成了友好的对手。It's a band that has few rivals.这是一支鲜有对手的乐队。Most of his rivals couldn't resist kicking a man when he was down.他的大多数对手都禁不住对他来个落井下石。He won his next race, completely outclassing his rivals.他在接下来的比赛中轻松地击败了对手。She trounced her rivals in the election.她在选举中彻底击败了众多对手。The teams have been longtime rivals.这两个队长期以来一直是竞争对手。His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.他的两个主要竞争对手因长期政治流亡而处于不利的地位。The company is well equipped to compete with its international rivals.这个公司条件优越,足以和国际对手竞争。He's been digging up dirt on his political rivals.他一直在揭露他的政敌的丑闻。




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