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词汇 escorted
例句 The guards escorted them to a waiting helicopter.警卫护送他们走向等候着的直升机。When the great man arrived, the club's manager personally escorted him upstairs.大人物到达后,该俱乐部的经理亲自送他上楼。Spencer escorted her to a television studio.斯宾塞护送她去一家电视演播室。Several fighters escorted the bombers back to base.几架战斗机护卫着轰炸机群返回了基地。A convoy of ships escorted the submarine out of harbour.一支护航船队护送潜水艇出了港口。Two Marines escorted Benny inside.两个美国海军陆战队士兵把本尼护送到里面。Her bodyguards escorted her through the airport.她的保镖护送她穿过机场。He escorted her round London.他陪她在伦敦游览了一圈。We were escorted through a low doorway.我们在人陪同下穿过一条低矮的门道。The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.这艘船被护送到了一个秘密的港口。The players were escorted out through a back door.乐手被护送着从后门离开。Police escorted her off the premises.警方护送她离场。I escorted him to the door.我把他送到了门口。Eight police outriders escorted the minister's car.有八名摩托车警卫护送部长的车。Denise was escorted by her uncle.丹尼斯由她的叔叔陪同出席。A plainclothes police officer escorted the surprised Frenchman out of the building.一位便衣警察护送那位惊讶的法国人走出大楼。He was escorted back to the nether regions of Main Street.他被护送回中央大道南面的地方。Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen.我们乘坐的客车有二十个警察护送。Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.在数只小船的护航下,帆船驶入海港。She escorted him to the front door.她送他到前门。People on the tour will be escorted by an expert on archaeology.游客们将由一位考古学专家陪同前行。After he was sacked, he was escorted discreetly from the building by two senior managers.他被解雇后,两名高级经理小心地把他送出大楼。Two warships escorted the troopship.两艘军舰为运兵船护航。The manager escorted him off the premises.经理把他送出门外。The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位工作人员迎接并送至局长办公室。After the ceremony the couple was escorted to the nuptial chamber.婚礼之后这对新人被送入洞房。When we asked to see more we were refused. Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns.当我们要求进一步参观时却被拒绝了。实际上,我们是被一些带枪的人护送离开的。The shipment was escorted by guards.货物的运输由卫兵护送。Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。Bill escorted Ellie to the opera.比尔陪埃莉去看了歌剧。Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.三千名武装随从紧跟其后。He escorted me to the library upstairs.他领我去楼上的图书馆。The prisoner was escorted into the room by two police officers.囚犯在两名警员的押送下进了房间。He had to be escorted from the building by a security guard.他不得不在一名保安的护卫下离开了大楼。




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