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词汇 escaping
例句 This orangutan is back in her enclosure after briefly escaping.在短暂的逃跑之后,猩猩回到了它的圈地。The police seized an escaping convict.警察抓住了一个在逃犯。They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.他们抱怨说被困在了警察局里,但实际上,有人看见他们大多数人通过毗邻的屋顶,安全地逃到了附近的建筑物内。There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.这一事实是无法回避的:这完全是他的错。The raiders machine-gunned everyone in the bank before escaping in a van.抢劫者用机枪朝银行里的人扫射了一通后乘一辆厢式货车逃离。The cattle were escaping through a gap in the hedge.牛从树篱的缺口处跑了出去。There's no escaping the fact that work has profound effects on emotions and health.不可否认的是,工作会对情绪和健康产生极大的影响。The prisoners had little/no chance of escape/escaping.囚犯不大有/没有可能逃跑。He eluded his pursuers by escaping into a river.他逃到河里甩掉了跟踪他的人。A special valve prevents the waste gases from escaping.有一个特别的阀阻止废气外逸。With a whoosh of escaping air from his lungs, he sank into a chair.他呼的一声从胸口吐出一口气就倒在椅子里。Water was escaping from the dam.大坝漏水了。He believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.他认为有很多被告通过声称精神失常而逃脱定罪。I could hear the hissing sound of air escaping from the puncture.我能听到轮胎的刺孔漏气的咝咝声。The thought of escaping spurred his lagging senses.脱逃的念头使他有些麻木的神经兴奋起来。We were prepared to accept the risks involved in escaping.我们已准备好接受逃跑面临的一切风险。The motorcycle cop rode down the escaping criminal.摩托骑警追上了逃犯。One of the joints in the pipe was cracked and gas was escaping.管子有个接合处裂了,煤气由此泄漏。They held the thief down, to prevent him escaping.他们把小偷按倒在地,不让他逃走。We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire.我们能听到一只轮胎的嘶嘶漏气声。How will we know if there's any gas escaping?如果有气体泄漏,我们怎么知道?Throughout history, people have found relief from sorrows and tribulation by escaping into sleep.从古至今,人们通过遁入睡眠来缓解悲痛和苦恼。Two men robbed the Central Bank yesterday, escaping with over $1 million.昨天有两名男子抢劫中央银行,抢了一百多万美元逃跑了。He succeeded in escaping punishment for many years.许多年来他成功地避开了惩罚。The escaping prisoner, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the searchlight raked the surface.当探照灯扫过水面时,泅水过河的逃犯潜入水中。We could hear the faint hiss of escaping gas.我们能听到气体泄漏时发出的轻微咝咝声。A convicted murderer was on the run last night after escaping from Lewes prison.一名已定罪的杀人犯昨晚从刘易斯监狱逃脱后仍在躲避追捕。Her instincts took over and she dived on the escaping thief.她的本能占了上风,她猛地朝逃跑的窃贼扑了过去。The great military offensive had failed, and it seemed victory was escaping them.这次大规模的军事进攻失败了,胜利似乎在躲着他们。The book tells the story of a woman escaping from a suffocating marriage.这本书讲的是一个女人逃脱一段令人窒息的婚姻的故事。They were crammed so tight that many stood no chance of escaping.他们被紧紧地挤在一起,很多人都没有逃脱的机会。Gas is escaping from the tank.气体正从气罐里泄漏出来。Gas is escaping from the pipe.瓦斯正从管中逸出。The police chased the escaping thief and caught him at last.警察部门追捕逃跑的窃贼,终于把他逮住了。The train halted with a loud hiss of escaping steam.火车嘶的一声放着蒸汽,停了下来。




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