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词汇 espionage
例句 He talent-spotted a naval officer as a possible SIS recruit for counter-espionage work.他物色到一名海军军官作为秘密情报处可能招募的特工,从事反间谍工作。The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises.银行里都有机密文件,所以他们采取预防措施以防任何商业间谍活动。His novels deal with the world of spies, espionage and counterespionage.他的小说写的都是间谍世界里的间谍和反间谍活动。Earley is a diligent reporter, knowledgeable in the field of espionage.厄利是个勤奋的记者,对间谍活动这一范畴很在行。The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.该国需要强大的情报机构来打击间谍活动和外国极端分子。She was found guilty of espionage against the United States.她被判犯有反美间谍罪。Stansfield would never have knowingly become involved in political espionage.斯坦斯菲尔德要是知情就决不会涉入政治间谍活动。He was charged with several counts of espionage.他被控几起间谍活动罪状。The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.官方已经逮捕了几个涉嫌从事间谍活动的人。The big computer companies are very worried about industrial espionage.大型电脑公司很担心业内的间谍活动。He was convicted of treason and espionage.他被判犯有叛国罪和间谍罪。It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.这是间谍罪,应判死刑。The man was charged with industrial espionage.此人被控告从事工业间谍活动。Zakharov, a KGB agent, was charged with espionage.克格勃特工扎哈罗夫被指控从事间谍活动。He uncovers international espionage and a string of dark secrets.他揭露了国际间谍活动和一连串的黑色机密。Although espionage is considered a serious crime, almost every nation is doing it.虽然间谍罪被认为是严重的罪行,但几乎每个国家都在犯。Miller's crime, that of espionage, was a crime motivated by pure selfishness, said the trial judge.主审法官说,米勒的罪行,那种间谍行为,动机纯粹是自私。Companies are sometimes reluctant to report economic espionage.公司有时不太情愿报告经济间谍案。




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