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词汇 rise to
例句 They offered a good salary, but I didn't rise to the bait.他们以优厚的工资条件作诱饵,不过我没有上当。The movie focuses on Stern's rise to fame.这部影片着重描述了斯特恩迅速成名的过程。Bring to the boil, skimming off any froth that rises to the surface.烧开后撇去浮到上面的渣子。We need to be concerned about his rise to power. Equally, the influence of his opponents cannot be ignored.我们要关注他的掌权。同时,也不能忽略他的对手们的影响力。Let the bread rise to twice its original volume.让面包发酵到原来体积的两倍。His meteoric rise to stardom befuddled many people.他快速地成为明星让不少人看了傻眼。The facts of the border incidents are only now beginning to rise to the surface.边境事件的真相到现在人们才开始知道。Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood pressure.体内低胆碱会导致高血压。Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure.体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。Their behaviour may seem insulting, but it's important not to rise to the bait and get cross.他们的行为看起来可能很无礼,但千万不要上当生气。Experts say they expect price rises to be gradual but persistent.专家称,他们预计价格会持续缓慢上涨。The Korean cherry flowers give rise to little fruits like cherries.韩国的樱桃花结出类似樱桃的小果子。Tonight, a revealing look at the King of Pop's thrilling rise to stardom.今晚,我们将揭开这位流行音乐之王鲜为人知、动人心魄的成名之路。His swift rise to the national team surprised everyone.他如此神速地进入国家队让每个人都感到意外。She felt compelled to rise to the challenge.她感觉自己不得不应对这一挑战。His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters.他得势掌权的经过在头两章里作了简单的描述。Her rise to stardom owed much to the casting couch.她成为明星很大程度上归功于她与导演的性交易。Such statements give rise to the false belief that we are all under constant threat from terrorism.这种声明会让人错误地以为我们一直在遭受恐怖主义的威胁。When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface.水烧开时,水面会冒泡。His rise to power surprised me.他上台掌权令我感到意外。The recent increase in prices has given rise to concerns about inflation.最近物价的上涨引发了对通货膨胀的担忧。Delays could give rise to further problems.延期可能会导致更多的问题。The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation.有关选举的这番言论不可避免地引起了广泛的猜测。The canal project gave rise to a malaria epidemic in the region.运河工程使该地区疟疾流行。The yield of rice will rise to 700 kilograms per mu.水稻的产量将上升到每亩700公斤。The mountains rise to 5,000 feet.这些山高达5 000英尺。While immunosuppressive drugs can help prevent rejection of transplanted tissues or organs, they can also give rise to infections.免疫抑制药物可以帮助防止移植器官或组织被身体排斥,但是它们也会引起感染增加。International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company.国际上的支持为公司上下带来了新的乐观情绪。The President's absence has given rise to speculation about his health.总统的缺席引发了对他健康状况的猜测。The issue of organ cloning has given rise to some disagreement among doctors.克隆器官的问题在医生中引起了一些意见分歧。The book tells the story of her sudden rise to fame.这本书讲述了她一夜成名的故事。He had messed up enough of these occasions to give rise to some anxieties.他把这些场合搞得一团糟,引起了一些忧虑。His speech gave rise to a bitter argument.他的演讲引起了激烈的争论。Perhaps he will rise to the giddy heights of parliamentary secretary.也许他会升到政务次官这一令人仰视的高位。Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。He rises to the bait every time.他每次都入圈套。Their behaviour may seem insulting, but don't rise to the bait and get cross.他们的行为也许看似无礼,但是别上钩,不要生气。As the egg whites cook, they coagulate and rise to the surface.蛋白一煮就会凝结,并且浮起来。The jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaint.食品价格的猛涨引起了许多不满。His rise to power was very sudden.他的掌权很令人意外。




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