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例句 Even experts were not able to distinguish infallibly between the two artists’ work.即使是专家也不能准确无误地区分出这两位艺术家的作品。She has thin black hair parted in the middle.她稀疏的黑发在中间分出头路。The teacher kept half an eye on them all through the lesson.整堂课上老师分出一部分注意力留意着他们。This test should really separate the sheep from the goats.这次考试应该能清楚地分出高下来。The foliage branches from a basal rosette.叶从根生莲座丛中分出The directors decided to hive off some part of the work and start new firms.董事们决定分出部分业务,另成立新公司。A single break of serve settled the first two sets.前两盘的比赛都是靠破掉对方一个发球局而分出胜负。Three points now separate the two teams.现在这三分让两队分出了高下。You need to sort out your priorities before making a decision about the future.对未来作出决定之前,你有必要分出主次。The first round of interviews really separates the wheat from the chaff.第一轮面试确实分出了优劣。Most feathers have a rachis from which the barbs branch.大多数羽毛具有一个羽干,从上面分出羽支。Arteries give off many branches.动脉分出许多支脉。I can definitely tell a/the difference between the two sauces.我肯定能分出这两种酱汁的差别。




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